Die Schaltfläche Exportieren ist in ArcGIS Online deaktiviert

Last Published: July 19, 2023


When attempting to export data from a hosted feature layer to a desired file type in ArcGIS Online, the Export button is disabled.

Image showing the Export button is disabled


This issue occurs when the Title and Tags fields are not specified.

Lösung oder Problemumgehung

Perform the following steps to resolve this issue:

  1. In ArcGIS Online, click Content > My Content.
  2. Browse to the desired hosted feature layer, click More Options , and click View item details.
  3. On the item details page, click either the Export To or Export Data button to export the hosted feature layer to the desired file type. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Export data from hosted feature layers for more information.
  4. In the Export to Shapefile (or any desired file type) window, ensure the Title and Tags fields are populated, and click Export.
Image showing the Export button is enabled


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