Frequently asked question

Is Windows 10 certified with Esri's ArcGIS products?

Last Published: November 18, 2021

Windows 10 Home, Pro, and Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit [EM64T]) have been tested and certified with ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Desktop through ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.1.

Windows 10 Home, Pro, and Enterprise (64-bit) have also been tested and certified with ArcGIS Pro 1.3 through 2.8.

For ArcGIS Enterprise, client versions of Windows are supported for basic testing and application development use only.

Version 100.x of the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs for .NET, Java, and Qt are certified for use on Windows 10. In addition, version 100.0 of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET introduced a new API to build Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps for Windows 10. ArcGIS Runtime SDK versions 10.2.x and prior will not be certified on Windows 10.

We will continue to post updated information regarding Windows 10 support to this KB article and to the System Requirements pages when the information becomes available.

Licensing Issue

For those running ArcGIS 10.3.1 and upgrading to Windows 10, when launching ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS Administrator, or ArcGIS License Manager, the following error message may be received:

The ArcGIS Server Administrator has detected that your license have become untrusted. This can occur when a machine hardware configuration has changed or licenses have been restored from a backup. Please click the 'Repair' button below to repair your untrusted licenses.

If this occurs, follow the procedure listed below.


If Trusted Storage is in an 'untrusted' state, it must be repaired. Each license is allotted a set number of repairs to accommodate the vast majority of deployments under normal conditions.

  1. Open ArcGIS Administrator (or ArcGIS License Server Administrator) and navigate to the Availability folder from the left panel.
  2. A pop-up message appears, prompting a repair on all untrusted licenses. Click Repair.
  3. Once the repair is complete, confirm the availability of the licenses by reopening ArcGIS Administrator and selecting Availability from the left panel.
If the repair operation fails, proceed to Step 4.
  1. Ensure that any license numbers or provisioning files necessary for re-authorization are available for use. If Concurrent Use licenses are being used, note the quantity of each license, as well.
  2. Deauthorize the licenses. To deauthorize licenses online, follow the steps outlined in How To: Perform online deauthorization of licenses for ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine. To deauthorize licenses offline, follow the steps outlined in How To: Perform offline deauthorization of licenses for ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine.
  3. To reauthorize the licenses, follow the steps outlined in ArcMap: Authorizing your software.
If the deauthorization process fails, proceed to step 7.
  1. Clear the trusted storage of all untrusted licenses, following the instructions outlined in How To: Clear or delete trusted storage for concurrent-use and single-use licenses.
  2. Reauthorize all licenses, following the steps outlined in ArcMap: Authorizing your software. If there are no licenses available, recover the lost licenses following the instructions in How To: Recover lost licenses from My Esri.

Article ID: 000013232

  • ArcGIS Runtime SDK for NET 10 2 7
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Runtime SDK for NET 100 x
  • ArcMap 10 7

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