
Exibir campos ocultos em um pop-up de mapa da web do ArcGIS Online e tabela de atributos

Last Published: July 30, 2023


In ArcGIS Online, fields can be hidden to reduce clutter in the attribute table and pop-up.

However, the pop-up attribute settings can be configured to unhide the fields in the pop-up and attribute table. This allows viewing of important information, and sufficient information on the feature layers are displayed to better understand the data.

This article provides instructions to display the hidden field in an ArcGIS Online web map pop-up and attribute table. In this example, the pop-up and layer attribute table do not display the population field for the Cities in California layer.

The pop-up for the Cities in California layer is not displaying the population field .


If the fields are not displayed in the pop-up, follow the steps below.

  1. Show the layer attribute table. In the Content pane, click the More Options iconImage showing the More Options icon. beside the layer. Click Configure Pop-up.
Do not hide the layer attribute table for the entire workaround process. Changes are not reflected in the attribute table if it is hidden when configuring the attributes in the pop-up. 
Clicking the Configure Pop-up option in the More Options icon drop-down menu.
  1. Under Pop-up Contents, click Configure Attributes.
Clicking the Configure Attributes option under the Pop-up Contents section.
  1. In the Configure Attributes window, check the box for the desired field to unhide it, and click OK. The image below shows the Population_in_millions field is checked to unhide it.
The Population_in_millions field is checked in the Configure Attributes window to unhide it.
  1. In the Configure Pop-up pane, click OK.
Clicking the OK button in the Configure Pop-up window.
  1. The pop-up and attribute table display the unhidden field. In this example, the Population_in_millions field is displayed.
The Population_in_millions field is displayed from the layer attribute table in the pop-up.

If the fields are not displayed in the attribute table, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the More Options Clicking the More Options icon in the attribute table. icon on the top-right of the attribute table, and click Show/Hide Columns.

Image showing the Show/Hide Columns option for the attribute table.
  1. Check the box of the desired field to unhide, and click anywhere outside the box to save the changes.
Image showing the click outside the field box to save changes.

ID do Artigo: 000023256

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