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Unable to configure ArcGIS Data Store 'Tile Cache' type on a partition other than C:\ on Windows 10 and Server 2012 R2. The following error is prompted: "Attempt to configure data store failed.. Extended error message: Failed to configure tile cache data store.. Extended error message: Internal Server Error."

Última Publicação: October 26, 2018 ArcGIS GIS Server
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000101650
EnviadoDecember 21, 2016
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS GIS Server
Versão encontrada10.5
Sistema OperacionalWindows OS
Versão do Sistema Operacional10.0 64 Bit
Versão Fixa10.6.1

Solução Provisória

1. Install ArcGIS Data Store in the default folder (C:\).2. Configure all directories as default (C:\)..3. Create the Tile Cache Data Store using the wizard.4. Once the Data Store is successfully configured, execute command "changenosqldslocation.batE:\arcgisdatastore", where "E" is the desired location.This moves the Tile Cache Data Store to the desired location.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000101650


  • ArcGIS GIS Server

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