laptop and a wrench


When using a forward slash (/) as an intersection connector in a Dual Range address locator, it is unable to locate the intersection when street suffixes are not included.

最後に公開された状態: May 16, 2018 ArcGIS for Desktop
不具合 ID 番号 BUG-000096168
送信されましたApril 29, 2016
最終更新日September 29, 2022
適用対象ArcGIS for Desktop
サーバー プラットフォームWindows OS
クライアント プラットフォーム7.0 64 Bit
ステータスWill Not Be Addressed


This issue will not be addressed. Please use a different intersection separator instead.


A workaround to be able to use the forward slash as an intersection connector is to comment it out in the “Number separator” section of the locator style. This change is not made with the out of the box style so the user has to make this change for each release.1. Open the existing locator (right-click *.loc.xml and edit with Notepad or Notepad++) and search for “NumSeparator”.2. Comment out the line that includes the forward slash like below:<!--Separators for numeric house numbers and unit numbers--><def name="NumSeparator"> <alt>-</alt> <alt>#</alt> <!-- <alt>/</alt> --></def>This fix is for this locator only. If users would like to fix it for all locators going forward, users need to make the same modification to the “USAddress.lot.xml” file located in your %ARCGIS_INSTALL%\Locators folder (typically <a href="file:C:/Program" target="_blank">C:\Program</a> Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.x\Locators).


不具合 ID: BUG-000096168


  • ArcGIS for Desktop

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