Verificar si un código postal está incluido en el listado actual de Esri

Last Published: December 1, 2023


In some cases, there are ZIP Codes that appear to be missing from the current list of available Esri ZIP Codes. This article provides the workflow to determine if a ZIP Code is available or not included in the list.


Navigate to the following site, USPS.COM: Look Up a ZIP Code.

  1. Click the Quick Tools tab, and click Look Up a ZIP Code.
  2. Under Cities by ZIP Code, click Find Cities by ZIP.
  3. Enter in the ZIP Code(s) in question (for example, '93381') and click Find. This ZIP Code is also not a valid ZIP Code and therefore is not included in Esri's current ZIP Code roster.
The invalid Zip Code does not return result in the Cities by ZIP Code page.
To search for another ZIP Code, click Look up another ZIP Code, and enter the desired ZIP Code in ZIP Code, and click Find.

Id. de artículo: 000013212

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