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¿Qué opciones de visualización están disponibles en Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS?

Last Published: September 14, 2023


Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS provides four different views to analyze results. Each one of them works with a different type of file and focuses on different information.

Image of four different views in Site Scan for ArcGIS Manager

2D viewer

This view works with TIFF files, such as the orthomosaics, digital elevation models (DEMs) or digital terrain models (DTMs), and also has the ability to enable elevation data using the elevation model, cut or fill tool, hillshade, as well as add measurements tool, overlays and ground gontrol points (GCPs) to a project.

Image of 2D Viewer

Timeline viewer

This view displays the maps on two different dates to compare changes over time. After selecting the Timeline view, two drop-down lists containing all the flights in the project are presented. Use these lists to change the flights to be viewed side-by-side.

Image of Timeline Viewer

Cloud viewer

This viewer displays the point cloud file and allows navigation of the site in a 3D environment. Measurements can also be performed on this workspace, giving more accurate height measurements, and the ability to select a cross-section of the terrain and display its information (X, Y, Z) with the profile tool.

Image of Cloud Viewer

Mesh viewer

The Mesh view is the as-built view of the area; use it to move around and inspect the terrain and structures. It is also compatible with Virtual Reality equipment.

Image of Mesh Viewer

Id. de artículo:000023017

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