US Address - Dual Ranges address locators created with ArcGIS Desktop (versions 10.1 and above) or ArcGIS Pro (versions 1.0 and above) do not return matches, regardless of whether a zone is used to build the locator, when used in ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, or when published as a geocode service to ArcGIS Enterprise.
The default setting for the 'Match with no zone' property in the Address Locator Properties under Geocoding Options is set to No. This prevents any address from being matched that does not include zone information (city, state, or zip code).
There are two options to fix this problem. One option fixes a specific address locator (for ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro), and the other option permanently sets the default setting of the Match with no zone property to Yes so that all address locators are created with the property set as Yes/True in the future.
Note: Whenever any locator property is changed and the address locator is being used in the current ArcMap session, the address locator must be removed and re-added to the session for the property change(s) to take effect. This can be done using the Geocoding toolbar drop-down > Manage Address Locators. Additionally, any geocode services that refer to the locator being modified must be stopped. This does not apply to ArcGIS Pro. Any locator property changes are reflected immediately in the project and there is no need to remove and re-add the address locator.
Note: Substitute '10.x' in the address above to match the version of ArcMap in use.
<prop name="supportsOptionalZone" type="Boolean">false</prop>After:
<prop name="supportsOptionalZone" type="Boolean">true</prop>
Note: In ArcGIS Desktop versions 10.2 and higher, there are approximately two to four occurrences of the supportsOptionalZone property. New search methods have been added over time that include this property.
Id. de artículo: 000011688
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