laptop and a wrench


After upgrading Enterprise Geodatabase 10.7.1 to 10.8.1 and running the query to get Next_RowID, the following error message is returned, "Msg 8144, Level 16, State 2, Procedure DBO.i13_get_ids, Line 0 [Batch Start Line 0] Procedure or function i13_get_ids has too many arguments specified."

Última publicación: January 25, 2021 ArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase
Número de ID del error BUG-000136889
EnviadoJanuary 20, 2021
Última modificaciónJune 7, 2023
Relacionado conArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase
Versión encontrada10.8.1
Plataforma del servidorWindows OS
Plataforma cliente10.0
Version Fixed2.7.2

Solución alternativa

Create a new feature class from an Enterprise Geodatabase 10.8.1 in the geodatabase upgraded from 10.7.1 to 10.8.1. The EXECUTE statement works as expected.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000136889


  • ArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase

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