In Esri Roads and Highways, a route may be realigned or retired to remove a concurrency with another route. There are scenarios described below in which these edit operations may result in in event behaviors not being applied to line events properly.
The Retire Route scenario described in this article is no longer present as of Esri Roads and Highways 10.5 Patch 1. If contacting Esri Support, please refer to TFS 51811: Realigning a route to create a concurrency then retiring the other route to eliminate the concurrency on the same date results in the snapped events getting the incorrect measures.
The Realign Route scenario described in this article is no longer present as of Esri Roads and Highways 10.4.1. If contacting Esri Support, please refer to TFS 51810: Extending a route to create a concurrency then realigning the other route to remove the concurrency on the same date results in incorrect event behaviors for the non-concurrent events on the realigned route.
Note: Even though these issues are no longer present in the aforementioned versions of Esri Roads and Highways, the edit scenarios described below performed in previous versions of Esri Roads and Highways must be investigated to determine if event behaviors were applied to line event measures properly.
There are two specific workflows (Retire Route and Realign Route) described in this article regarding edit operations involving concurrent routes and the subsequent event measures. The routes affected by both of these workflows can be found using the geoprocessing tool found in the Related Information section below.
Once the geoprocessing tool is used to identify if there are any affected routes, follow the steps below to update any affected event measures. Optionally, identify the affected routes manually by following the steps to query the Lrs_Edit_Log table.
This tool is only intended to identify routes affected by the issues described in this article.
In this scenario, a route that has overlapping portions (known as concurrent portions) with another route is retired. When event behaviors are applied, any line events on the retired route that extend beyond the overlapping portions are snapped to the concurrent route but are given a from measure value that is less than the from measure value of the route on which the event is now located.
Retire a route that overlaps another route in which the route to be retired has geometry that extends beyond the geometry of the shorter concurrent route.
Run the Apply Updates tool from the Esri Roads and Highways toolbar to apply event behaviors as results of edit activity from the Retire Route function.
Investigate an event that previously spanned the entire retired route. The from measure of the updated event is now less than the from measure of the route on to which it was snapped.
Note: The LocError column now has a value of “Partial Match for the From-Measure”.
In this scenario, a route that has overlapping portions with another route is realigned to remove the concurrency. When event behaviors are applied, the line events on the non-concurrent section of the realigned route may extend into the realigned section of the realigned route.
Run the Apply Updates tool from the Esri Roads and Highways toolbar to apply event behaviors as a result of edit activity from the Realign Route function.
Investigate an event that is used to span the entire realigned route. Two events are created as a result of the realignment, as expected. The event which is located on the realigned portion of the realigned route is snapped to the concurrent route. Because the event located on the non-concurrent portion of the route has Stay Put event behavior, after applying event behaviors, the event located on the non-concurrent portion of the route is expected to end where the realignment began. However, this event extends onto the realigned portion.
This section demonstrates how to identify and update events that do not have event behaviors applied properly due to the scenarios shown above.
Artikel-ID: 000015434
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