Verwenden des Werkzeugs Pavement Inspection in Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS

Last Published: September 12, 2023


Instructions provided describe how to use the Pavement Inspection tool in Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS.

In this example, the Pavement Inspection tool is used to examine areas of a roadway for cracks, potholes, or other damages, and create polygons around these areas to identify them on a map. Once processed, there is the option to download the polygons as shapefiles (.shp) in the Download section.




  1. Enable the tool in User Settings.
  1. In the User Settings dialog box, select Features and select Pavement Inspection.
Image showing to select pavement inspection
  • To optimize results with the Pavement Inspection tool, Esri recommends performing flights at lower altitudes (between 50-80 feet) to ensure photo quality.
  1. On the Layers tab, expand the Pavement Inspection menu tab by clicking on the label.
Image showing Pavement Inspection menu tab
  1. Create a new boundary area to process the orthomosaic and highlight the fractures. Click the Draw a new polygon link in the Pavement Inspection menu, as shown in the image below.
Image showing Draw a new polygon interface
  1. The boundary is created by using the Volume tool, and drawing a polygon on the orthomosaic. Start drawing by left-clicking on the map, and complete the polygon by double-clicking, or pressing Enter.

Ensure the polygon does not cover the whole area. Esri recommends focusing only on roads and creating smaller polygons to ensure processing is successful.

Image showing focus points
  1. Once the polygon is created, it is displayed in the drop-down menu inside the Pavement Inspection tool, as shown in the image below. Select it, and click Process to start processing the area.
Image showing drop-down menu

Depending on the size of the area, it may take some time to process. Wait a few minutes, and refresh the website. When the file is ready, the processing icon is hidden in the Pavement Inspection tool.

Image showing Pavement Inspection tool

After the area is processed, the fracture areas are highlighted, and the polygons can be exported as shapefiles (.shp).

Artikel-ID: 000023063

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