Stapeln von Feldnamen in einem Pop-up in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: December 15, 2023


In ArcGIS Pro, it is possible to customize the content and how it is displayed when configuring pop-ups of a feature layer. Pop-ups can include custom text, a list of fields, charts, images, attachments, and a carousel of charts and images. A selection of elements can be split, arranged, and rotated, and border styling can be applied.

This article provides instructions to stack the field name in a pop-up in ArcGIS Pro.


  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and open the project.
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the feature layer, and click Configure Pop-ups to open the Configure Pop-ups pane.
Selecting Configure Pop-ups from the ArcGIS Pro Contents pane
  1. Select an element in the Configure Pop-ups pane and double-click it to edit its properties, or click the Edit pop-up element button.
Clicking the Edit pop-up element button in the Configure Pop-ups pane
  1. Under Field Options section, turn on the HTML mode toggle button to enter HTML mode.
Turning on the HTML mode toggle button in the Field Options section
  1. Click Yes when the Converting Fields to Text Element warning appears.
The Converting Fields to Text Element warning dialog box
  1. Specify the <br> HTML code within the Text Options section area to customize the style of the pop-up. In the example below, the <br> HTML code is specified in between the 'Bench Length In Inches' field name to stack the field name in a pop-up.
The Text Options section to insert the br / to stack the field name in the pop-up

The image below displays the standard pop-up, where the 'Bench Length In Inches' field name is not stacked.

The Bench Length In Inches field in the standard pop-up

The customized pop-up is displayed as below, with the stacked 'Bench Length In Inches' field name.

The Bench Length In Inches field in the customized pop-up

Artikel-ID: 000026616

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