Anzeigen der einzelnen Features auf einer separaten Kartenserienseite in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: August 20, 2024


The steps provided describe how to show each feature on a separate map series page in ArcGIS Pro.


To show each feature on a separate map series page, there must be a field in the table with a unique value for each feature, such as the OBJECT ID field.

  1. To use this field with your data, create a new numeric field, then use the Calculate Field tool to calculate its values. In the image below, there is a new field called Field with the OBJECT ID values calculated to it:
  1. In the Map Series Layout Properties, set the Name Field to the <new Field>.
  1. In the Layer Properties, select Page Query.
  2. Set the Filter to the <new Field> and choose the Match option, and click OK, as shown in the next image.

Now each feature is shown when the value of the <new Field> matches the page name, and the rest of the features are hidden.

Artikel-ID: 000026513

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