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Registering a spatial table with the geodatabase containing the subclass ST_LineString or ST_Polygon for the shape column fails with an error, “Invalid entity type”.

Dernière publication: March 26, 2015 ArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000082808
EnvoiJanuary 22, 2015
Dernière modificationNovember 26, 2024
S’applique àArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase
Version trouvée10.2.2
Version de correction10.3.1

Solution de contournement

Option ACreate the spatial table with ST_Geometry. Option BCopy and paste the feature class registers with the geodatabase, but this changes the storage type. For an instance, if the spatial table is originally ST_LineString, it changes to ST_MultiLineString.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000082808


  • ArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase

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