
操作方法:将等值线转换为 CAD 格式

Last Published: October 20, 2023


Instructions provided describe how to convert contour lines to CAD format, while preserving elevation values.


Follow the steps below:

  1. Convert the lines to a 3D layer. Add the 3D Analyst toolbar to ArcMap. Open the 3D Analyst drop-down menu > Convert > Features to 3D. Use the contour field as the source of heights.
  2. Convert the 3D layer to points using the ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Features > Feature to Point tool.
  3. Use the Set CAD Alias tool to assign TxtValue to the field that contains the contour values. This is found in ArcToolbox > Conversion Tools > To CAD > Set CAD Alias. Click the box next to contour and select TxtValue.
This is a deprecated tool at ArcGIS version 10 and later. To learn more about how this tool works, See the article Set CAD Alias (Conversion). This functionality can be accomplished using Add Field and making simple field calculations.
  1. Use the Export to CAD tool to export both the point and 3D line shapefiles to a .dwg file.

文章 ID:000008655


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