In some cases, attempts to perform network analysis in Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Pro fail, and return generic error messages without detailed information on the network analysis tool's failure.
For example, performing network analysis using the Create Drive-Time Areas tool in Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer fails, and returns the following error in the ArcGIS Server Manager logs:
Error: Error executing tool. CreateDriveTimeAreas Job ID: <Job_ID> : A geoprocessing error occurred. Failed to execute (Generate Service Areas). Parameters are not valid. Cannot set input into parameter <Network_Dataset>. {"messageCode": "AO_100028", "message": "CreateDriveTimeAreas failed."} Failed to execute (CreateDriveTimeAreas).
Additionally, performing network analysis using the Generate Service Areas tool in ArcGIS Pro fails, and returns the following error in the ArcGIS Server Manager logs:
Error: Error executing tool. GenerateServiceAreas Job ID: <Job_ID> : A geoprocessing error occurred. ERROR 000622: Failed to execute (Generate Service Areas). Parameters are not valid. ERROR 000628: Cannot set input into parameter <Network_Dataset>. Failed to execute (GenerateServiceAreas). Failed to execute (GenerateServiceAreas).
Network analysis uses StreetMap Premium data that has a unique data license version. Therefore, the error occurs through one of the following conditions:
To resolve the error, complete the steps described below:
Note: Ensure the StreetMap Premium data license matches the StreetMap Premium data version. For example, ArcGIS StreetMap Premium North America 2019 Release 1 requires its unique data license version, na_fgdb_2019.1_<map_name_expiry_date>.
Article ID: 000022728
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