A warning message is returned when attempting to save a map document in ArcMap

Last Published: September 15, 2020


In some instances, when attempting to save an ArcMap project, the following message is returned:

ArcMap is unable to save the map document due to the file being held open by the operating system. To resolve, please retry your save operation or use Save As to save to a different file name.
Image showing the warning message returned when attempting to save an ArcMap map document.


This issue may occur due to the following reasons:

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, use one of the workarounds below to address the issue.

Change the machine's sleep settings

The machine must be restarted before and after completing the workflow for the changes to take effect.
For Windows 10, refer to Microsoft: How to adjust power and sleep settings for more information on changing the sleep settings.
  1. Click the Windows Image showing the Windows icon. icon on the bottom-left of the machine's screen.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  Image showing the Control Panel option under the Start context menu.
  1. Click Hardware and Sound.
  Image showing the Hardware and Sound option in the Control Panel.
  1. Click Change when the computer sleeps under Power Options.
Image showing the option to change the sleep settings under the Power Options in the Control Panel.
  1. Change the Turn off the display: and Put the computer to sleep: settings, and click Save changes.
Esri recommends selecting 'Never' for the Put the computer to sleep: settings.
Image showing the sleep settings under in the Power Options.

Offline storage capacity is full

  • Increase the offline storage. Refer to ArcGIS Desktop: Hardware requirements for more information on hardware storage space for ArcMap.
  • Use the Save As option to save the ArcMap project with a different filename in a different storage space.
If the problem persists, work with the organization's IT department as this involves the operating system.

Article ID: 000021614

  • ArcMap

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