Split a line into specified distances with a remainder

Last Published: April 25, 2020


A line can be split at specified distances with a remainder length using the Generate Points Along Lines and Split Line at Point tools. Using these tools, the remaining distance is less than the specified distance.

The Split Line at Point tool is only available in ArcGIS Desktop with an Advanced license.

The Generate Points Along Lines and Split Line at Point tools provide the same function as the Divide Line by Length Add-in, which can be downloaded from the ArcGIS website. Additionally, lines can be split proportionally based on specified distances using the Proportion command in the COGO toolbar, which requires a Standard or Advanced license. However, this option divides any difference between the line length and the sum of length specified proportionately among new line segments, and therefore there is no remainder segment.

For the line to split at the points generated, ensure that the data is in a projected coordinate system.


This workflow describes how to split a line into segments of specified distance with a leftover distance using the Generate Points Along Lines and Split Line at Point tools.

To determine the total length of the line to split, right-click the line feature class layer > Open Attribute Table.
User can check the total length of polyline to split by viewing the attribute table.
  1. Generate points on the line based on a specified distance, to be used later as separation points, using the Generate Points Along Lines tool. The following image is a sample output of points generated along the line at 25 km intervals, the distance specified in the Generate Points Along Lines dialog box.
Figure shows points that are generated along the line, based on the distance specified.
  1. From the Geoprocessing menu > Search For Tools > type in the search box Generate Points Along Lines, and click the Generate Point Along Lines tool.
Generate Points Along Lines dialog box.
  1. In the Generate Points Along Lines dialog box, under Input Features, select the line feature class. The Output Feature Class is automatically generated when the Input Features is specified.
  2. For Point Placement, select DISTANCE from the drop-down menu.
  3. For Distance (optional), define the value and unit of distance to split.
  4. Click OK.
  1. Split the line based on the generated points by using the Split Line at Point tool.
Search Radius is specified to split the line at all points which coincide with the line feature within the search radius. Otherwise, the line feature only splits at the first point.
  1. From the Geoprocessing menu, Search For Tools > type Split Line at Point in the search box, and click the Split Line at Point tool.
Split Line at Point dialog box. Specify the Search Radius to ensure the line splits accordingly.
  1. In the Split Line at Point dialog box, under Input Features, select the line feature class. The Output Feature Class is automatically generated when the Input Features is specified.
  2. For Point Features, select the point feature class generated in Step 1.
  3. Define the Search Radius, and click OK.

The figure below is the output of a line split into eight parts, 25 kilometers each, and a leftover segment of roughly 13 kilometers. Another line feature class and layer is automatically created by ArcMap to represent the split lines, upon the completion of splitting.

The number and length of each split part can be verified by viewing the SHAPE_Length column in the attribute table.
The selected line has been split into 8 parts with 25 km length each (as specified), and a leftover length of roughly 13 km.

Article ID: 000017659

  • ArcMap

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