Split line segments at midpoint

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The instructions provided describe how to split line segments at midpoint. In this example, the workflow describes how to generate midpoints for a line feature dataset and split the lines at midpoints while retaining the attributes.


  1. In ArcMap, right-click the line feature layer, and select Open Attribute Table.
  2. In the attribute table, ensure that each segment is a single line feature. Proceed to Step 3 if the line dataset is a singlepart feature. Otherwise, run the Multipart To Singlepart tool to create a new line dataset that has each line segment as a single feature, as shown in the example below.
An image of the selected single line feature.
  1. Run the Generate Points Along Lines tool with the parameters specified as below:
    1. For Input Features select the line feature dataset.
    2. Select PERCENTAGE for Point Placement.
    3. Specify 50 for Percentage.
The Generate Points Along Lines dialog box.
User-added image
  1. Run the Split Line at Point tool.
This tool requires an ArcGIS Desktop Advanced license.
  1. For Input Features, select the line feature dataset from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the midpoint dataset generated in Step 3 for Point Features.
  3. Set the output name and click OK.
The Split Line at Point dialog box
An image of the split line at the midpoint.

Article ID: 000015698

  • ArcMap

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