In some instances, when exporting a hosted feature layer to KML using the Export to KML option in the ArcGIS Online item details page, the output KML layer does not preserve the original features of the feature layer.
The following image shows an original hosted feature layer in Map Viewer.
The image below shows the same layer exported KML layer in Map Viewer.
This is a known issue. The exported KML layer does not preserve the features of the hosted feature layer if it contains multipart features. For more information, refer to BUG-000116251.
To resolve this issue, use one of the following options:
Use the Layer To KML tool in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro
This option uses the Layer To KML tool in ArcGIS Desktop to convert the hosted feature layer to a KML file. The output KML file must be added to My Content for use in ArcGIS Online.
Note: The downloaded shapefile is in a ZIP file. To use the shapefile in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, extract the ZIP file to a folder.
Use the Extract Data tool in the ArcGIS Online web app
This option uses the Extract Data tool from the Analysis widget in the ArcGIS Online web app to extract the hosted feature layer to KML.
Note: Using a spatial analysis service consumes credits. Refer to Service Credits Overview for more information on credits.
Article ID: 000019351
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