In ArcGIS Pro, when labeling is enabled, features are labeled based on the values of a selected field. The following image is a map showing each Arkansas county library in and around the Glenwood area labelled with the city name.
It is sometimes necessary to label a feature based on the values of two or more fields. This can be achieved using label expressions. For instance, a facility manager requiring the contact information of each county library in and around Glenwood. Displaying each library's city name and contact number in the labels quickly reveal the information the manager requires.
Follow the steps below to create and display labels based on the values of two or more fields in ArcGIS Pro.
Note: To add fields to the expression, add a space or a line break after each field name, and double-click the field name under Fields to append the field.
The image below shows each Arkansas county library in and around Glenwood labeled based on the values from the City and Contact fields.
Article ID: 000025040
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