To prevent accidental deletion of important items in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal, delete protection can be enabled. Instances may arise where deletion of these items becomes necessary, such as when items become detached, ownership changes, or updates are required. This article provides a step-by-step guide to deleting a user account in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal that contains a delete-protected item.
Disable the delete protection, and delete the item and user in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal
- Log in to the ArcGIS Enterprise portal as the item owner or an administrator.
- Disable the delete protection for the item that requires deletion. Uncheck the check box at Step 3 of Portal for ArcGIS: Enable delete protection.
- Delete the item that requires deletion. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Delete a single item for instructions to delete a single item. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Delete multiple items for instructions to delete multiple items.
- Delete the member account. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Delete members for instructions.
Delete the item and user in the ArcGIS Portal Directory page
- Navigate to the ArcGIS Portal Directory page using the following URL:
- Navigate to Related Resources > User Content.
- Log in with administrative credentials.
Upon logging in, if the page URL reads
edit the URL to read
- Navigate to Related Resources > User Content.
- Locate and click the item ID.
- Navigate to Supported Operations > Delete Item.
- Check the Force deletion? check box, select an appropriate format and click Delete Item.
- Navigate back to the ArcGIS Portal Directory page using the URL in Step 1.
- Navigate to Supported Operations > Delete User.
- Select an appropriate format and click Delete User.