Calculate the area of floating-point rasters in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: May 15, 2024


ArcGIS Pro provides capabilities to calculate floating-point type rasters generated by tools such as Least Cost Corridor or Distance Accumulation to accurately quantify spatial phenomena not represented by discrete, whole numbers. Calculating the area of a non-integer raster is useful to derive precise measurements of quantities like land cover proportions, habitat suitability, or resource distribution across a landscape.

This article details the workflow to calculate the area of a non-integer type raster based on zones in ArcGIS Pro.


This workflow requires the Spatial Analyst extension. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Enable the Spatial Analyst extension for more information.
  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. Reclassify the raster data to create a raster with an integer value.
    1. Navigate to the Analysis tab and click Tools. The Geoprocessing pane opens.
    2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the Reclassify tool.
    3. In the Reclassify pane, for Input raster, select the floating-point raster layer.
    4. For Output raster, specify a name for the output in the desired folder location.
    5. Leave all the other parameters as default. 
    6. Click Run.
Reclassify tool configuration.png
  1. Calculate the area of the reclassified raster data based on zones.
    1. Navigate to the Analysis tab and click Tools. The Geoprocessing pane opens.
    2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the Zonal Statistics as Table tool.
    3. In the Zonal Statistics as Table pane, for Input Raster or Feature Zone Data, select the reclassified raster layer.
    4. For Input Value Raster, select the reclassified raster layer.
    5. For Output Table, specify a name for the output in the desired folder location.
    6. Leave all the other parameters as default. 
    7. Click Run.
Zonal Statistics as Table tool.png

The table displays the area of the floating-point raster based on zones in ArcGIS Pro.

Non-integer raster area based on zones.jpg

Article ID: 000032519

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 1
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 3
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 2

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