ArcGIS Pro provides capabilities to calculate floating-point type rasters generated by tools such as Least Cost Corridor or Distance Accumulation to accurately quantify spatial phenomena not represented by discrete, whole numbers. Calculating the area of a non-integer raster is useful to derive precise measurements of quantities like land cover proportions, habitat suitability, or resource distribution across a landscape.
This article details the workflow to calculate the area of a non-integer type raster based on zones in ArcGIS Pro.
This workflow requires the Spatial Analyst extension. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Enable the Spatial Analyst extension for more information.
- Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
- Reclassify the raster data to create a raster with an integer value.
- Navigate to the Analysis tab and click Tools. The Geoprocessing pane opens.
- In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the Reclassify tool.
- In the Reclassify pane, for Input raster, select the floating-point raster layer.
- For Output raster, specify a name for the output in the desired folder location.
- Leave all the other parameters as default.
- Click Run.
- Calculate the area of the reclassified raster data based on zones.
- Navigate to the Analysis tab and click Tools. The Geoprocessing pane opens.
- In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the Zonal Statistics as Table tool.
- In the Zonal Statistics as Table pane, for Input Raster or Feature Zone Data, select the reclassified raster layer.
- For Input Value Raster, select the reclassified raster layer.
- For Output Table, specify a name for the output in the desired folder location.
- Leave all the other parameters as default.
- Click Run.
The table displays the area of the floating-point raster based on zones in ArcGIS Pro.