The layer can not be added to the map because its coordinate system or tiling scheme can't be adjusted to align properly with the basemap

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When adding a layer to a web map, the following error is returned:

The layer, <layer-name>, can not be added to the map because its coordinate system or tiling scheme can't be adjusted to align properly with the basemap.

This error may be prompted when:

  • Attempting to publish a tile service using a custom scale in ArcGIS Online, and adding the tile service as a layer from the 'Add Layer from Web' option while Esri basemaps are present.
  • Attempting to load a tile service published to ArcGIS Online in an ArcGIS Online web map. The error may also occur when attempting to use a set of Web Map Services (WMS). When the WMS is set as the basemap, the tile service cannot be loaded on top of the WMS.


There are several possible causes for this issue, but some of the most common are:

  • Using a scale that is not available with the Esri basemap scale; hence, the tile service is not added due to the mismatch in scale.
  • The data frame’s spatial reference (coordinate system) is different than the spatial reference required by the chosen tiling scheme. All tiling schemes are associated with a certain spatial reference. The data frame, dataset, or layer's spatial reference must match the spatial reference of the tiling scheme for tiles to be created.
  • The projection of the layers and basemaps are not compatible. The tiling scheme of a WMS layer must match the tiling scheme of the basemap.
    If adding an Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) WMS layer that is not in Web Mercator (which is the projection of the basemaps in the default map viewer gallery), the map viewer does not add the OGC layer to the map. Instead, the error message is returned. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Online: Troubleshoot.
  • A WMS is a scale-independent service. Tile services cannot be added on top of WMS as the tile service does not support WMS scales.

Solution or Workaround

If attempting to publish a tile service with a custom scale:

  • Use a tile map service with a custom scale that matches the 20 options available in the Esri basemaps scales. Refer to the ArcGIS Help: Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme for more information about defining the scale levels by generating an XML tiling scheme file.
  • Alternatively, use the tile service with any custom scale as a basemap, and add any Esri basemap (such as World Street Map) as a layer in the web map.

If attempting to load a tile service in ArcGIS Online, or using WMS:

Article ID: 000012245

  • ArcGIS Online

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