Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(). This is most likely caused by not having the necessary graphics drivers installed

Last Published: July 14, 2022

Error Message

Attempting to launch ArcGIS Survey123 Connect fails, returning the following error message:

Failed to create OpenGL for format QSurfaceFormat(). This is most likely caused by not having the necessary graphics drivers installed... 
Failed to create OpenGL for format QSurfaceFormat(). This is most likely caused by not having the necessary graphics drivers installed. error message


This error can occur due to the following causes:

  • The local machine does not have the necessary graphic drivers installed.
  • The graphics card does not support OpenGL version 2.1 or the higher versions.
  • Duet Display is installed on the local machine. Duet Display installs the old Qt 5.11 library files into system directories on Windows which are outdated and not supported in the later Qt built apps. Survey123 Connect is built with a later version of Qt, the app cannot be launched as Duet Display is causing the wrong version of Qt to be run at runtime, bypassing any of the OpenGL version installed.

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, use one of the following solutions to resolve the error.

While troubleshooting graphics card and OpenGL are beyond Esri Support Service's scope of support, the following solutions have been known to resolve the problem. Note that Esri recommends an IT department be involved in these steps to approve changes to the machine.

The local machine does not have the necessary graphic drivers installed

The graphics card does not support OpenGL version 2.1 or the higher versions

  • Survey123 Connect requires an independent graphics card as well as OpenGL version 2.1 or the higher versions as outlined in the system requirements page. Refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Hardware requirements for more information.

Duet Display is installed on the local machine

Reinstall Survey123 Connect

  • If the above-mentioned solutions fail, the app may be experiencing a corrupt installation, and requires re-installation to work properly. Uninstall Survey123 Connect, and re-install the app in the local machine. Refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Install ArcGIS Survey123 Connect for more information.
For more causes and solutions for the error, refer to AUTODESK: AutoCAD Support and learning: "Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat..." when launching Autodesk products.

Article ID:000015976

  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

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