Patches and updates

ArcGIS 'Oracle Critical Patch Update - October 2014' Connection Issue Patch

Published: November 7, 2014


This patch addresses a critical ArcGIS connection issue with Oracle. Applying the patch will allow ArcGIS to successfully connect to Oracle instances which have had the Oracle Critical Patch Update – October 2014 applied.


Esri® announces the ArcGIS (Desktop, Engine, Server) for 'Oracle Critical Patch Update - October 2014' Connection Issue Patch. This patch addresses a recent change in behavior with Oracle's security policies and allows ArcGIS to successfully connect to Oracle instances in which the recent October – 2014 Oracle Critical Patch Update has been installed. This patch deals specifically with the issues listed below under Issues Addressed with this Patch.


Issues Addressed with this patch

  • BUG-000082555 - Unable to connect to Oracle and after Oracle Security patch set (Oct 2014) installed.

    Description: Please see Technical Article 000012229 and 000012243 for further information.


Important Installation Notes:

ArcGIS 10.2.2 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Geodatabase and Feature Service Sync Optimization Patch must be installed before you install the 10.2.2 version of this patch.

ArcGIS 10.2.1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Utilities and Telecom Update 1 Patch must be installed before you install the 10.2.1 version of this patch.

ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Quality Improvement Patch must be installed before you install the 10.1 Service Pack 1 QIP version of this patch.

The geodatabase on Oracle must be configured with open_cursors server_config parameter as described in Technical Article 000012229 after installing this patch on all ArcGIS versions.


Installing this patch on Windows

Installation Steps:

ArcGIS for Desktop, Engine, or Server must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file for your environment to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    Version 10.2.2   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.2.2 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Geodatabase and Feature Service Sync Optimization Patch must be installed before you install the 10.2.2 version of this patch!  
         ArcGIS Desktop Background
         Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1022-BGDT-OCPU-Patch.msp BF268731A3B96C59143D51C49A64F031
         ArcGIS Engine Background
         Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1022-BGE-OCPU-Patch.msp A87C61755206A86530785C00DCE4FCC9
          ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-1022-DT-OCPU-Patch.msp 70BAFDDD33F0B10FD1E5D973BE8FC435
          ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1022-E-OCPU-Patch.msp 312961BA53FA9AF2C81A96007B998843
          ArcReader ArcGIS-1022-R-OCPU-Patch.msp FDA002BA17B677FB3F5F5E42F5F0F815
          ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1022-S-OCPU-Patch.msp F6360859747178C940A6A444B4092265
    Version 10.2.1   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.2.1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Utilities and Telecom Update 1 Patch must be installed before you install the 10.2.1 version of this patch!  
         ArcGIS Desktop Background
         Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1021-BGDT-OCPU-Patch.msp AF38ACA4A4F67F3411C1C9A341924296
         ArcGIS Engine Background
         Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1021-BGE-OCPU-Patch.msp 57A4749673FB0B73C31AADB43A99F182
         ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-1021-DT-OCPU-Patch.msp 6BD359799A4220B73EEAF0AAF68041A9
          ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1021-E-OCPU-Patch.msp E1AC2B3EDEF4EC2696FDBB88FB07EE1B
          ArcReader ArcGIS-1021-R-OCPU-Patch.msp 42EE6106F5D01ED6B8DAD9EB10DDB614
          ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1021-S-OCPU-Patch.msp 783F7804EEFDCAA98C03EEAA77B18397
    Version 10.1 Service Pack 1 QIP   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Quality Improvement Patch must be installed before you install the 10.1 Service Pack 1 QIP version of this patch!  
         ArcGIS Desktop Background
         Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-BGDT-OCPU-Patch.msp A73C5309D597E77705C165DE3C385FED
         ArcGIS Engine Background
         Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-BGE-OCPU-Patch.msp 234E27925FAFE5C9E0D108CC3AF54E91
          ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-DT-OCPU-Patch.msp A017BDBE6440DC3D11D8C88D1E62D3C9
          ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-E-OCPU-Patch.msp CED8BD77B8F097E95A0FE28E6D2C5184
          ArcReader ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-R-OCPU-Patch.msp B2DF887592662B34EA1064863A39A53A
          ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-S-OCPU-Patch.msp 3583EFC540DBB8F5D7D869CE1EBB4D95
    Version 10 Service Pack 5   Checksum (Md5)
          ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-10SP5-DT-OCPU-Patch.msp DC62A0DDEBF8EDA1C2C4C97D97FA6EF7
          ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-10SP5-E-OCPU-Patch.msp 13C6578CF5178F839BA7D2F4466167CE
          ArcReader ArcGIS-10SP5-R-OCPU-Patch.msp D09AF463DC85A4BD1B4F3967BF1B28EE
          ArcGIS for Server Java ArcGIS-10SP5-SJ-OCPU-Patch.msp 303131B41AB2961BE0DE7DFFFA3E82C7
          ArcGIS for Server GIS ArcGIS-10SP5-SGIS-OCPU-Patch.msp B2A7A025B928CD2CA5B5188919E53113
    Version 9.3.1 Service Pack 2 QIP   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 9.3.1 SP2 QIP (Desktop, Engine, Server) Utilities and Telecom Patch must be installed before you install the 9.3.1 SP 2 QIP version of this patch!  
          ArcGIS Desktop, Engine, ArcReader and Server ArcGIS-931SP2QIP-DTES-OCPU-Patch.exe 5DD8A941F1A1BFB73FDD5391C78BAF0A

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location.
  3. Double-click the appropriate setup <msp/exe> to start the setup process.

    NOTE: If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the setup installation, you can start the setup installation manually by using the following command:

    msiexec.exe /p [location of Patch]\ArcGIS-<Version>-<Product>-OCPU-Patch.msp
  4. For 10 SP5 and 9.3.1 SP2 QIP only, restart the ArcGIS Server after the installation has finished.


Installing this patch on Linux or Unix

Installation Steps:

Complete the following install steps as the ArcGIS Install owner. The Install owner is the owner of the arcgis folder.

ArcGIS for Server, ArcReader or ArcGIS Engine must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file for your environment to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    Version 10.2.2   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.2.2 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Geodatabase and Feature Service Sync Optimization Patch must be installed before you install the 10.2.2 version of this patch!  
          ArcGIS for Server       ArcGIS-1022-S-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar 80E506A5BD60C5EF29BEEFE1C6F94B54
          ArcGIS Engine       ArcGIS-1022-E-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar DE4A9EED8221D012782D6ED7735B4A87
    Version 10.2.1   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.2.1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Utilities and Telecom Update 1 Patch must be installed before you install the 10.2.1 version of this patch!  
          ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1021-S-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar 3E63BD72A11EA57D8F1574AD49162413
          ArcGIS Engine       ArcGIS-1021-E-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar 22C1F829733DEA9F7F687A431EF2A219
    Version 10.1 Service Pack 1 QIP   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Quality Improvement Patch must be installed before you install the 10.1 Service Pack 1 QIP version of this patch!  
          ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-S-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar F0198091FFC8EA8DC2744F2F982CB59B
          ArcReader ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-R-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar DA4457917D2F17F67AEF4CFBF073B71C
          ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-E-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar 1D0FFFC9E79162E794ECAD869F271941
    Version 10 Service Pack 5   Checksum (Md5)
          ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-10SP5-S-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar A6B59E1271F44584FF82213AB5A5E878
          ArcReader ArcGIS-10SP5-R-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar 9DD928D09444CB1232D65E928BB9BA55
          ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-10SP5-E-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar 099C3F0BF5A629C3FF967F46241F56CA

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.
  3. Extract the specified tar file by typing:

    % tar -xvf ArcGIS-<Version>-<Product>-OCPU-Patch-lx.tar
  4. Start the installation by typing:

    % ./applypatch

    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.
  5. For 10 SP5 and 9.3.1 SP2 QIP only, restart the ArcGIS Server after the installation has finished.


Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

November 11, 2014: ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Server and Engine on Linux setups have been released.

November 14, 2014: ArcGIS 10.2.1 version for all setups are released on the download page.

November 20, 2014: ArcGIS 10.1 Service Pack 1 QIP version for all setups are released on the download page.

November 26, 2014: ArcGIS 10 Service Pack 5 version for all setups are released on the download page.

December 12, 2014: ArcGIS 9.3.1 SP2 QIP version for Windows is released on the download page.

March 1, 2016: Additional important installation note added to the download page.

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

  • PatchFinder for Windows
  • PatchFinder for Linux/Unix


Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Download ID:2143

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