Patches and updates

ArcGIS 10.2.1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Utilities and Telecom Update 1 Patch

Published: August 21, 2014


This patch is the first in a series of updates targeting utility and telecom workflows, though it can be beneficial to all users of ArcGIS 10.2.1. The patch targets a number of issues related to the use of feature caches for editing, but also corrects other issues related to working with versioned data, geodatabase replication, and the geometric network.


The ArcGIS 10.2.1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Utilities and Telecom Update 1 patch was temporarily unavailable due to an issue that deals with splitting of geometric network edges with related objects. This issue has been resolved and the patch is available for download.

For further details, please see Knowledge Base - Technical Article 42980.



Esri® announces the ArcGIS 10.2.1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Utilities and Telecom Update 1 Patch. This patch is the first in a series of updates targeting utility and telecom workflows, though it can be beneficial to all users of ArcGIS 10.2.1. The patch targets a number of issues related to the use of feature caches for editing, but also corrects other issues related to working with versioned data, geodatabase replication, and the geometric network. This patch deals specifically with the issues listed below under Issues Addressed with this Patch.


Issues Addressed with this patch

  • NIM086295- On Oracle ST_OrderingEquals is always returning the same value as ST_Equals.
  • NIM088921 - Importing an SDE schema dump fails with ORA-39083 and ORA-02309 on SDE.st_type_export.validate_spref using datapump impdp.
  • NIM089510 - Inconsistent results with st_astext_f query on polygons with more than 292 vertices.
  • NIM090071 - Labeling features based on join table's field throws 'ArcMap drawing errors' when the table and feature class are stored in different DBMS.
  • NIM094291 - The extent of data created in MicroStation DGN files is not correctly calculated in ArcMap 10.2 which causes the data to be displayed in the wrong location.
  • NIM094556 - Results from the Trace Geometric Network geoprocessing tool to trace connected are not consistent with the trace results from the Find Connected tool in the Utility Network Analyst toolbar.
  • NIM095455 - In an edit session, snapping stops working on a layer if a join exists on that layer.
  • NIM096135 - Provide option to create user schema geodatabases by a user other than SYS.
  • NIM096817 - Loading a large amount of coordinates via ST_Geometry function results in ORA-20004 and ORA-20000 errors.
  • NIM097346 - Extproc not initialized when a ST_Intersects query involving a versioned view and a base table is the first query run in the session.
  • NIM099098 - ST_ASTEXT Function is failing when the result set contains more than one record, and when the NUMPOINTS is ~2000 (or more).
  • NIM099383 - Do not grant all privileges on user keyset tables when created.
  • NIM099484 - Provide a mechanism to enable instrumentation of memory usage when creating a feature cache in desktop.
  • NIM099485 - Attempting to build a feature cache fails without an error message and does not release consumed memory.
  • NIM099500 - Reconciling a particular user version returns the following error: "Invalid network element ID."
  • NIM099513 - Correctly release memory when a feature cache is cancelled on the workspace.
  • NIM099517- Add a model dialog to the build feature cache command which allows a user to cancel the operation.
  • NIM099519 - Do not cache layers in the feature cache when the scale range of the layer is greater than the maps extent.
  • NIM099883 - The strings "Building map feature cache" is not localizable in the feature cache tool.
  • NIM100028 - A significant amount of CPU power is used by an ArcMap 10.2.1 edit session when there are many layers in the map document.
  • NIM100141 - Missing index on the SDE versions table results in full table scan.
  • NIM100503 - Loading a very large shape (>15k points) followed by small shape results in ORA-28579: error.
  • NIM100941 - Improve the Performance and Scalability of Creating and Syncing replicas by more efficiently caching database information.
  • NIM100942 - Deadlocks can happen on SQL server when multiple processes are creating and syncing replicas.
  • NIM101280 - Provide additional status information during a compress operation in the compress_log.
  • NIM101468 - Unable to hide standalone tables using the IWorkspaceExtension.DataDictionaryTableNames method in ArcGIS 10.1 and above.
  • NIM101804 - Do not return feature datasets in which the connecting user has no access to feature classes within.
  • NIM101806 - Provide a mechanism to log what release a client is using when connecting to a geodatabase.
  • NIM102265 - An annotation layer loaded from the Add Historical Archive button displays polygons instead of text.


Installing this patch on Windows

Installation Notes:

System Administrators: A technical paper is available that discusses the enterprise deployment of ArcGIS 10.2.1 setups using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS), System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), and Group Policy, including additional system requirements, suggestions, known issues, and Microsoft Software Installation (MSI) command line parameters. Deployment in a lockdown environment is also covered. ArcGIS 10.2.1 Enterprise Deployment.

Installation Steps:

ArcGIS 10.2.1 for Desktop, Engine, or Server must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.
        Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS-1021-DT-UTU1-PatchB.msp F0E35E159C48014ED7781CB8AEDFED63
    ArcGIS Desktop
    Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1021-BGDT-UTU1-PatchB.msp A0C6B6A0B0CD1556A2EE38036F7C37E1
    ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1021-E-UTU1-PatchB.msp 1B6B50B5D97447861417C2DD30ABB381
    ArcGIS Engine
    Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1021-BGE-UTU1-PatchB.msp 487689E3018497CA05D2AD10DC2384E7
    ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1021-S-UTU1-PatchB.msp 8ECBDEAF060F0E9E0CDB7D1933DBC9C1
  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location.
  3. Double-click ArcGIS-1021-<product>-UTU1-PatchB.msp to start the setup process.

    NOTE: If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the setup installation, you can start the setup installation manually by using the following command:

    msiexec.exe /p [location of Patch]\ArcGIS-1021-<product>-UTU1-PatchB.msp
  4. After the installation procedure has finished, complete the Upgrade a geodatabase in Oracle section.

Installing this patch on Linux

Installation Steps:

Complete the following install steps as the ArcGIS Install owner. The Install owner is the owner of the arcgis folder.

ArcGIS 10.2.1 for Engine or Server must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

        Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1021-E-UTU1-PatchB-lx.tar 87BA72D32043F633A0DA1F4FF0DA0A96
    ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1021-S-UTU1-PatchB-lx.tar F574451C98496D3929AE81E3675FAC6B

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.
  3. Extract the specified tar file by typing:
    % tar -xvf ArcGIS-1021-<product>-UTU1-PatchB-lx.tar
  4. Start the installation by typing:
    % ./applypatch

    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.
  5. After the installation procedure has finished, complete the Upgrade a geodatabase in Oracle section.

Upgrade a geodatabase

A geodatabase upgrade is required after applying this patch. To upgrade the geodatabase, follow the instructions in the help section specific to your database management system:

SQL Server






Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

August 21, 2014: This patch was updated on August 21, 2014 to resolve an issue that deals with splitting of geometric network edges with related objects. Customers who downloaded this patch prior to August 15 please install the latest version of the patch to update your system.

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Download ID:2109

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