Install ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer Edition on Linux

Last Published: June 15, 2021


Instructions for installing ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer Edition don't include a workflow to allow for automatic restarts on Linux machines. This workflow walks through the installation of NodeJS version 14.17.0 (the latest LTS release at the time of this writing), replacement of certificate files with CA-signed private and public keys from a PFX file, and installation/configuration of pm2 to allow for process management of Node.JS applications and manage auto-start of the application upon a reboot.


The steps provided make the following assumptions:

  • Running ArcGIS Experience Builder as local 'arcgis' user
  • Password-protected PFX file located in /opt/ssl named cert.pfx
  • ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer edition version 1.4 zip file downloaded and located in /opt directory
  1. Run the following commands as a privileged account (member of the sudo or wheel group):
## Download NodeJS (latest LTS version as of writing is 14.17.0) and install from tar.xz file

cd /opt
sudo wget
cd /usr/local
sudo tar --strip-components 1 -xf /opt/node-v14.17.0-linux-x64.tar.xz

node -v

## Install process manager package

sudo npm install -g pm2
## Extract zipped ArcGIS Enterprise Builder Developer Edition application files

cd /opt
sudo unzip -q
sudo chown -R arcgis:arcgis ArcGISExperienceBuilder
## Replace certificate with CA-signed public and private key files extracted from PFX

sudo mv /opt/ArcGISExperienceBuilder/certs/server.cert /opt/ArcGISExperienceBuilder/certs/server.cert.orig
sudo mv /opt/ArcGISExperienceBuilder/certs/server.key /opt/ArcGISExperienceBuilder/certs/server.key.orig
sudo openssl pkcs12 -in /opt/ssl/cert.pfx -nocerts -out temp_key.pem
sudo openssl rsa -in /opt/ssl/temp_key.pem -out /opt/ArcGISExperienceBuilder/certs/server.key
sudo openssl pkcs12 -in /opt/ssl/cert.pfx -nokeys -out /opt/ArcGISExperienceBuilder/certs/server.cert
sudo rm -f /opt/ssl/temp_key.pem
  1. Run the following as the 'arcgis' local account:
## Create startup file from pm2 (output command will need to be run as user with sudo privileges

pm2 startup

## Start ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer edition application and save configuration

pm2 start /opt/ArcGISExperienceBuilder/server/src/server.js
pm2 save
  1. Run the pm2 startup output as privileged user:
sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup systemd -u arcgis --hp /home/arcgis
  1. Reboot the machine and confirm that ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer Edition starts successfully.

Article ID:000025684

  • ArcGIS Enterprise Builder

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