Convert the coordinates of a single field to two fields in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: December 15, 2023


In some instances, coordinate values are stored in a single field in tabular data. To add tabular data containing XY coordinates to a map, the source table must contain at least two numeric fields for each of the XY coordinates. This article describes the workflow to convert the XY coordinates of a single field to two fields in ArcGIS Pro.


  1. Import the stand-alone table to a scene or map. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Open tabular data for more information.
  2. On the Analysis tab, click the Tools icon in the Geoprocessing group to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the Convert Coordinate Notation tool.
  4. In the Convert Coordinate Notation tool pane, specify the parameters as follows:
    1. For Input Table, select the stand-alone table in Step 1.
    2. For Output Feature Class, specify the output geodatabase or folder for the source table.
    3. For X Field (Longitude), select the coordinate field name from the drop-down list.
By default, X Field (Longitude) and Y Field (Latitude) parameters are displayed.
  1. For Input Coordinate Format, select DD 1, DDM 1, or DMS 1 according to the coordinate values in the coordinate field. These formats represent both latitude and longitude values in a single string in the X Field (Longitude) parameter. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Supported notation formats for more information.
  2. Specify the Output Coordinate Format from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Run.
The Convert Coordinate Notation pane
  1. The table with two fields for each of the XY coordinates is created and displayed in the Contents pane. Right-click the table to verify the XY coordinate fields created.

The image below shows the output coordinates of the single field converted to XY coordinates in the DD coordinate format.

Screenshot of the converted XY coordinates in the DD coordinate format

Article ID: 000025057

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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