Unable to delete a detached item in Portal for ArcGIS

Last Published: May 10, 2022


When attempting to delete an item in Portal for ArcGIS, the process fails, returning the following error message:

Item does not exist or is inaccessible.

Error: 400
The error message when attempting to delete the orphaned item in Portal for ArcGIS

This error is returned when attempting to delete a detached item that does not exist in the portal content directory.


When a delete command is executed from Portal for ArcGIS, the item ID in the ArcGIS Portal Directory content store is cross-referenced with the item ID in the portal's internal database. The error occurs when Portal for ArcGIS cannot identify the item in the content directory.

Solution or Workaround

  1. Log in to Portal for ArcGIS > My Content.
  2. Open the Item Details page for the items to be deleted.
  3. Note the Item ID from the URL for the detached items.
The location of the Item ID alphanumeric code to be deleted in Portal for ArcGIS
  1. Navigate to My Content and open the Item Details page of an accessible working web map.
  2. Note the Item ID from the URL.
The location of the Item ID alphanumeric code of a working web map in Portal for ArcGIS
  1. Navigate to the portal content directory and search for the folder that corresponds to the item ID for the working web map.
The portal content directory is commonly found at:
<Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>\arcgis\arcgisportal\content\items
  1. Copy the contents of the folder.
  2. Create a new folder within the portal content directory and provide a name that matches the item ID to be deleted in Step 2. In this example, the name of the newly created folder is 'e3eb35e9f944472c84dbdbad9dbad2cc'.
  3. Paste the copied contents of the working web map into the newly created folder.
  4. Navigate to My Content, select the item to be deleted, and click Delete.
If the problem persists, reindex Portal for ArcGIS, and delete the item. Refer to ArcGIS REST APIs: Reindex for more information.

Article ID: 000024798

  • Portal for ArcGIS

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