In ArcMap, by default, all the data points in a LAS dataset are displayed as point clouds if no filter is applied. It is possible to display, classify, and extract data points to only ground points to produce a high-quality elevation model like triangular irregular networks (TIN).
In this example, the data points are classified to only ground points and extracted as a TIN-based surface to represent the ground points as a continuous ground surface consisting of triangular facets.
Follow the steps below to extract LAS ground points from a LAS dataset to a TIN-based surface in ArcMap.
Note: The following steps require the 3D Analyst license. To enable the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension, in the main menu, click Customize > Extensions. In the Extensions dialog box, check the 3D Analyst check box, and click Close.
Note: Refer to ArcMap: Create LAS Dataset for more information on constructing a LAS dataset.
Note: Ensure only one classification code is selected. If other codes are selected, the TIN layer includes points other than the ground and takes a longer time to process.
The image below shows an example of a classified LAS dataset for ground surface exported as a TIN layer.
Article ID: 000021888
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