Frequently asked question

What is the best way to order relevant questions in ArcGIS Survey123?

Last Published: May 6, 2022


When a form is loaded in the ArcGIS Survey123 field or web app, it is processed in sequential order from top to bottom. For relevant questions that rely on the value entered in another question, the placing of the relevant question in the form matters.

If the question that provides the value is placed after the relevant question, the relevant question is processed before any value is expected. This can cause certain limitations such as the relevant questions not being triggered or saved. Therefore, Esri recommends placing relevant questions below the question that provides the value to the relevant expression.

In the example below, the relevant question (ownername) is placed before the question (isownerpresent) that provides the value in the expression of the relevant question.

(ownername placed before (isownerpresent)

When the form is not submitted and later loaded for editing, any response that was previously entered in the "ownername" question is not saved as the "isownerpresent" question is processed after the relevant question. This is a known limitation, but also the expected behavior of forms.

To save the response of the relevant question, place the question that provides the value to the relevant question above the relevant question in the form order. So for this example, the "isownerpresent" question is placed above the "ownername" question.

(isownerpresent) placed before (ownername)

Article ID: 000020913

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