ArcGIS Server services can be stopped from ArcGIS Server Manager, ArcCatalog, or the catalog window in ArcMap. In some cases, there may be several services that must be stopped, and stopping them manually is tedious. For federated ArcGIS Servers, the ArcGIS API for Python's stop() function may be used to automate the process.
The steps describe how to stop services in a GIS folder using the stop() function.
from arcgis.gis import GIS import arcgis.gis.admin
gis = GIS("<portal url>", "<portal admin username>", "<portal admin password>")
Note: To bypass the certificate verification, add the parameter, 'verify_cert=False'.
gis_servers = gis.admin.servers.get(role="HOSTING_SERVER")
Note: If the desired server folder array location is known in the list, the script can be modified to: gis_servers = gis.admin.servers.get(role="HOSTING_SERVER")[0] "[0]" can be modified to specify the exact location of the service in the array. In the example, the script grabs the first service in the list.
for server in gis_servers: for service in service.stop()
for server in gis_servers: for service in print (service) if == "<service name>": service.stop()
The following is the full script to stop the SampleWorldCities service:
from arcgis.gis import GIS import arcgis.gis.admin gis = GIS("", "admin", "password", verify_cert=False) gis_servers = gis.admin.servers.get(role="HOSTING_SERVER") for server in gis_servers: for service in print (service) if == "SampleWorldCities": service.stop()
Article ID: 000019994
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