Create a square buffer around a point feature

Last Published: May 24, 2022


The Buffer tool creates polygons around the input features at a specified distance. When buffering points, the output is circular by default. The instructions provided describe how to create a square buffer around a point feature.


Both options below require an ArcGIS Desktop Advanced license; however, use Option B if the input buffer consists of multipart features. Use either option if the input buffer has singlepart features.

Option A: Use the Buffer and Minimum Bounding Geometry tools

  1. Launch ArcMap, and add the point feature class or shapefile to the map.
  2. Create boundaries around points at a specified distance. Navigate to ArcToolbox > Analysis Tools > Proximity > Buffer, or navigate to Geoprocessing > Buffer.
  3. In the Buffer window, complete the fields. Click OK to run the tool.
  4. Create square polygons for the polygon buffers created above. Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Features > Minimum Bounding Geometry.
  5. In the Minimum Bounding Geometry window, complete the fields as follows:
    1. Input Features: the buffer polygons created in Step 4
    2. Output Feature Class: the desired output location for square polygons
    3. Geometry Type: ENVELOPE
    4. Group Options: NONE
    5. Click OK to run the tool.

Option B: Use the Buffer and Feature Envelope To Polygon tools

  1. Complete Steps 1 through 3 listed in Option A.
  2. Create square polygons for the polygon buffers created above. Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Features > Feature Envelope To Polygon.
  3. In the Feature Envelope To Polygon window, complete the fields as follows:
    1. Input Features: the buffer polygons created in Step 2
    2. Output Feature Class: the desired output location for square polygons
    3. Click OK.
If input buffers have multipart features, check the Create multipart features (optional) check box. 

There is a square buffer around the point feature.

The square buffer is created around the point.

Article ID:000012502

  • ArcMap

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