Attempting to log into the ArcGIS Server Manager login page with a Windows Domain account is denied, and the following error message is entered into the log file:
"Failed to update identity store, Failed to make a connection"
Using a primary site administrator account to log into ArcGIS Server Manger works.
The cause of the problem has yet to be determined.
Solution or Workaround
Reconfigure the ArcGIS Server security settings to make a new connection to the identity store by changing the security to its default settings and reverting to Windows Domain again.
Follow the instructions below to reconfigure the ArcGIS Server security settings:
- Log into the ArcGIS Server Manager login page using the primary site administrator account (http://localhost:6080/arcgis/manager).
- Click Security.
- Under Settings, click the pencil icon for Configuration Settings.
- Select the first option, Users and roles from ArcGIS Server's built-in store, and click Next.
- Click Finish to set the identity store back to its default settings.
- Once the identity store settings are accepted, configure the identity store to use the Windows Domain users and built-in roles.
- Under Settings, click the pencil icon for Configuration Settings.
- Select the third option, Users from existing enterprise system (LDAP or Windows Domain) and roles from ArcGIS Server's built-in store, and click Next.
- Select the Windows Domain option, and click Next.
- Enter the Windows Domain username and password to be tested, and click Test Connection.
- Once the connection is successful, click Next.
- Select the GIS Server Tier option, and click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Click Roles.
- Select the pencil icon next to the role name, and add users back to each role.
- Once users have been added back to their roles, test this process by logging into ArcGIS Server Manager and REST endpoints.