NIM090672: Specific Microsoft updates may result in data corruption with file geodatabases or shapefiles created on a network share

Last Published: April 25, 2020


A recent Microsoft update (deployed as KB 2732673, KB 2775511, or KB 2824408) may result in data corruption when using ArcGIS on a Windows 7 system and writing data to remote data storage on a Windows Vista, Windows 7, or a Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 or 2012 system. This data corruption appears as truncation of a write request and has shown up in file geodatabases and shapefiles.

Additional Information

An error message referencing the ItemType appears when creating new datasets or items (tables, feature classes, feature datasets, raster datasets, and so forth) in a 10.x file geodatabase created on a network share.

For example, the following message is displayed when creating a new feature class:

"Failed to create feature class.
The item was not found. [ItemType:

File geodatabases created with ArcGIS 9.3.1 return the following error when creating new datasets or items, renaming the file geodatabase, or accessing the geodatabase properties.

"Failed to connect to database.
This release of the Geodatabase is either invalid or out of data. [Invalid Geodatabase release]"


Microsoft has acknowledged the problem, identified the affected component as RDBSS.sys, and provided further details in this Windows SDK Support Team Blog.

How Microsoft made these updates available

In April 2013, Microsoft released hotfixes KB 2732673 and KB 2824408 to address specific issues. The KB 2775511 update is a cumulative update that is available exclusively through the Windows Update Catalog.

Because this update is available only through the Windows Update Catalog, the KB 2775511 update is not considered a security update by Microsoft and is not being deployed broadly.

Solution or Workaround

The update for KB 2732673 has been released as of August 13, 2013. The hotfix is available under Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2732673.

• If KB 2775511 has already been installed, install the update patch found at Knowledge Base article 2732673.
• If KB 2775511 is to be installed at some future date, install the 2732673 update patch now to mitigate any issues that may impact file geodatabases and shapefiles stored on network drives.

Additional Information and Updates
• August 26, 2013: Esri has completed testing Microsoft's fix for the file geodatabase issue and verified that it resolves the issue.
• August 14, 2013: Microsoft posted an update today on their Windows SDK Support Team Blog. The update states 'The update to the issue was released today. The update is available under KB article 2732673.'
• June 27, 2013: Microsoft posted an update today on their Windows SDK Support Team Blog. The update states 'The hotfix is currently still under development with the update being in testing. The update is on track to be released within the next 60 days (August 2013).'
• May 22, 2013: Microsoft is in regular communication with Esri and continues to have dedicated development staff working on the issue. A fix has not yet been identified.
• May 13, 2013: Microsoft has isolated the cause of this issue to an RDBSS.SYS component that was updated by a specific hotfix which is included as part of the Microsoft hotfix rollup KB 2775511. Additional information, including possible workarounds, can be found in this Microsoft Windows SDK Support Team Blog.
Esri and Microsoft continue to look for a solution to this issue.
• May 13, 2013: We have confirmed that the same issue occurs when working with shapefiles and results in an error message such as:
"Error opening feature class
Number of shapes does not match the number of table records".
• May 10, 2013: The specific Microsoft hotfix that exposed this issue has been identified. Esri and Microsoft are continuing to dedicate staff full-time to research the cause and provide a resolution as quickly as possible.
• May 6, 2013: Esri and Microsoft continue to work on this issue with dedicated full-time staff who are in regular, daily communication. These groups are currently working together with a simplified reproducible case.
• Our testing indicates that the behavior is reproducible with network shares created on Windows systems using the SMB 2.1 and SMB 3.0 protocols.
• Network shares created on Windows XP (SMB 1.0) and Windows Server 2008 (SMB 2.0) do not encounter this issue.
• The behavior is encountered when using a network share created on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 machines.
• The issue is also not reproducible when the file geodatabase is created using the file geodatabase API.
Please contact Esri Support if other behaviors are noticed with new or existing file geodatabases after installing this specific Microsoft rollup.

Article ID: 000011778

  • ArcMap

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