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Display of MrSID Image Files

Published: June 27, 2000


These tools allow for the simple display of MrSID image files in Arcplot, Arcedit, and GRID in ArcInfo 8.0.2 on Solaris 2.7. This download is not supported by ESRI Technical Support. It is provided on an AS IS basis, without warranty of any kind. ESRI does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of this download and recommends you test it prior to implementation into an existing workflow or process.


These tools allow for the simple display of MrSID image files in Arcplot, Arcedit, and GRID in ArcInfo 8.0.2 on Solaris 2.7. Read the Notes below for usage caveats.

This download is not supported by ESRI Technical Support. It is provided on an AS IS basis, without warranty of any kind. ESRI does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of this download and recommends you test it prior to implementation into an existing workflow or process.


Click to download the ZIP file which contains the following files. Unzip this file, then put the files in the locations specified below. You will need write access to these locations.

imgexpEXE$ARCHOME/binThe SID conversion executable
avmrsid.dllDLL$ARCHOME/libLibrary for the SID format functions
SIDEXTENT.AMLAML$ATHOME/arcplotSets the map extent for a MrSID file
SIDIMAGE.AMLAML$ATHOME/arcplotDisplays a MrSID image in an Arcplot window. Options to display include full image, selected portions or a specific extent.

$ARCHOME:  ArcInfo Install directory
$ATHOME:   ATOOLS Install directory

If you want to also use these tools in ArcEdit or GRID, you should additionally copy the AMLS into the respective ATOOL directory, i.e. $ATHOME/arcedit and $ATHOME/grid.


To be used in Arcplot, or whichever ATOOL directory you have copied the AMLS to.

    Sets the current map extent to the extent of the SID file.
  • SIDIMAGE <SIDfile> {DEFAULT | FULL | * | <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax>}
    Displays a SID file in the specified extent.
    Uses the currently set or default mapextent for extracting and displaying the MrSID image. This is the standard behavior you would get from using the IMAGE command.
    Displays the full MrSID image, setting the mapextent to the full image
    Allows interactive setting of the mapextent and the window to be displayed
    <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax>
    Expects the extents to be specified in mapunits for the area to be displayed


  • The .sid extension for the image name is required in each of the commands.
  • Display of the SID file will create a temporary file in your current workspace that will be removed after the image has been displayed. Every time the image is redrawn as a result of a pan, zoom, or other display canvas update, the temporary file will be recreated and again deleted.
  • These tools should be used for display only. Images drawn in this manner should not be put into a graphics file or attempted to be printed.
  • These tools do not interact in any way with any other commands. For example, LISTIMAGES will not list SID files, and none of the IMAGE related commands can be used with SID files.

Download ID:126

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