Patches and updates

ArcIMS Data Delivery Extension DDE 9.1 Service Pack 1 for Windows – Readme File

Published: January 24, 2006


ESRI announces ArcIMS Data Delivery Extension 9.1 Service Pack 1. It is available for Windows 2000 and Windows XP only. The DDE 9.1 SP1 CD is part of the ArcIMS 9.1 SP1 CD set.


Before Installing the Service Pack

If you are installing DDE 9.1 SP 1 on the same system that a patched version of Oracle 10g runs, please read this section. A bug has been identified when installing DDE 9.1 sp 1 in this configuration. The bug is:

CQ00276994: DDE 9.1 service pack 1 will not work when Oracle 10g / ora10g is loaded on the same machine. Conflict with variable perl5lib.

The bug surfaces only when DDE 9.1 service pack 1 and Oracle 9 Release 2 and above are installed on the same machine and when Oracle 9 release 2 and above has had an interim patch applied.

Problem Description

The patching interface for Oracle 9i Release 2 and all later versions installs an application named Opatch. Opatch is the patch engine used by Oracle for installing interim patches. Opatch is implemented as a set of PERL (5.6) scripts which use the Java API and requires a PERL interpreter on the target system. Opatch accesses PERL through an environment variable named PERL5LIB. If DDE and Opatch are installed on the same PC the version of PERL installed by Opatch will conflict with the version of PERL used by DDE. The conflict prevents DDE from translating data.


If Opatch has been installed a DDE user will see an HTTP 404 error message when a translation is attempted.

Determining the Cause

To determine that the problem is due to a PERL conflict you can ask your Oracle Database Administrator if Opatch has been installed or use the command line to test the DDE translation script. You can execute the following from the command prompt to determine if there is a PERL conflict:

  1. Create a command window
  2. Type the path to the PERL library installed by DDE

    <DDE Install Directory>\Perl\bin\perl5.8.4.exe <Webserver scripts directory>

    If the result is as follows, the PERL conflict is the cause.

    Perl lib version (v5.6.1) doesn't match executable version (v5.8.4) at C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\db_1\perl\5.6.1\lib\MSWin32-x86/ line 21.
    Compilation failed in require at C:/Program Files/DDE/Perl/lib/Time/ line 5.


The problem can be resolved through a workaround. The workaround is accomplished by changing the name of or removing the PERL5LIB variable, or by changing an Opatch script named Opatch.bat. PERL5LIB could be changed to zzPERL5LIB while DDE is being used. When Oracle needs to be patched DDE could be shutdown and zzPERL5LIB reset to PERL5LIB. Or, PERL5LIB variable could be removed until a patch needs to be applied. If you change the PERL5LIB variable you should reboot. When a patch needs to be applied PERL5LIB could be created. The Opatch.bat script includes instructions for setting the path to the PERL compiler.

Post 9.1 releases of DDE will not use CGI and PERL will not be installed thus eliminating the conflict.

Issues Addressed with this Service Pack

  • CQ00269910. Translation request fails with data with underscores
  • CQ00266447 ("The attribute column is misordered after conversion")
  • CQ00276001. Conversion to Personal Geodatabase fails when source layer is line data stored in Oracle 10g Spatial
  • CQ00276002 DOC: Change default email notification subject
  • CQ00276003 "WARNING: Cannot process a Shape layer as a selected set." when Oracle 10g Spatial layer is used
  • CQ00271793 Translation fails is using ArcMap service with ArcSDE data
  • CQ00275997 Arkansas South projection metadata invalid

Files Installed in this Service Pack

  • Installs a new FME Server version which correctly handles long attribute value strings in coverages
  • Spatialassistant.exe
  • e00_defs.tcl
  • esriGML_defs.tcl
  • geodb_defs.tcl
  • gml2_defs.tcl
  • mapinfo_defs.tcl
  • svg_defs.tcl

Ordering the DDE 9.1 SP1 CD

  • To acquire the DDE 9.1 SP 1 Media Kit CD, simply fill out the Request a Service Pack CD order form and make sure that the ArcIMS 9.1 SP1 CD box is checked.

Installing the Service Pack

  1. Place the DDE 9.1 SP1 CD in your CDROM.
  2. Shutdown DDE 9.1.
  3. Double click on DDE_2_6_150_sp1.exe which can be found on the CD and follow the instructions.

How to Identify Which Service Pack is Installed

The service pack installs only if ArcIMS DDE 9.1 is present. To determine if DDE 9.1 is installed, check for the presence of the SP1 release notes file in <DDE Install Directory>\docs\DDE_91_2_6_150_SP1.RELEASENOTES.

Service Pack Updates

Check the Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs. New information about this service pack will be posted here.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this service pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.

Download ID:1104

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