Frequently asked question

What are some best practices for geocoding addresses from CSV files?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Geocoding is a process that converts addresses to XY coordinates so they can be displayed on a map using an address locator or a geocoding service. In ArcGIS Online, this is done by adding an address table to Map Viewer or adding it as an Item in the Content page. This article describes best practices for geocoding addresses in ArcGIS Online from an address table to increase accuracy in matching addresses, and understand credit usage in geocoding.

Table formatting

File formatting

  • If geocoding in Map Viewer, the address table must either be a CSV or TXT file. XLSX or XLS files are supported when adding an item to the Content page.

    If an Excel spreadsheet file format is used for geocoding addresses in Map Viewer, the following error is returned:

Error: Unable to import this file. You can only import a zipped shapefile (ZIP), a table (CSV), a GPS Exchange Format (GPX), or a GeoJSON file.
  • Larger datasets must be published as a feature set by adding the address table to the Content page rather than the map. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Publish hosted feature layers for more information.

    When a large CSV file or an Excel table with too many addresses is added to the map, the following error is returned:

This dataset is too large to add directly to the map. Instead, publish this data as a hosted layer, then add the hosted layer to the map.

ArcGIS Online credits

By default, ArcGIS Online uses ArcGIS World Geocoding Service for geocoding, which requires an organizational account. Ensure credits are sufficient before geocoding in ArcGIS Online. Every 1000 geocoded address consumes 40 credits. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Understanding Credits for more information on credits.
Inaccurately matched addresses also consumes credits.

Article ID: 000021393

  • ArcGIS Online

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