Frequently asked question

Why does the number of features reduce after performing data enrichment on a multiple buffer layer?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When running the Enrich Layer tool on a multiple buffer layer created from the same point but with different radii, the number of features in the enriched layer attribute table is lower than the number of features in the buffer layer attribute table, as shown below.

Disk buffer layer attribute table

An image of the disk buffer layer's attribute table

Enriched disk buffer layer attribute table

An image of the disk buffer layer's attribute table.

This issue occurs when the multiple disk buffer type is selected instead of the multiple ring buffer type when creating the buffer layer. Multiple disk buffers contain overlapping buffered geometry features. Therefore, the output is the cumulative results from the smaller radius level buffers. Only true features are enriched while the overlapping buffered geometry features are not, therefore the features are not included in the attribute table.

Unlike the multiple disk buffer layer, the multiple ring buffer layer does not include overlapping buffered geometry features. Due to this, the accumulative results fail to display in the enriched layer, as shown in the attribute tables below.

Ring buffer layer attribute table:

An image of the ring buffer layer's aattribute table.

Enriched ring buffer layer attribute table:

An image of the enhanced ring buffer layer's attribute layer.

Article ID: 000018086

  • ArcGIS Online

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