After modifying or adding a domain to the schema of a hosted feature service in ArcGIS Online, the domains do not appear in Collector for ArcGIS.
Domains can be missing from Collector for ArcGIS for the following reasons:
If the domains of the hosted feature service are added in the schema in ArcGIS Online, ensure the domains are also updated in the Template section of the schema.
To add a domain under the Template section of the JSON when editing in a JSON editor, follow the steps below:
"domains": { "status": {"type": "<type of domain>"} },For example, if the domain type is an inherited domain, the code is as follows:
"domains": { "status": {"type": "inherited"} },
Alternatively, re-download the web map in Collector for ArcGIS after the changes to the schema of the hosted feature service are made in ArcGIS Online.
Note: To ensure that no data collected by other users with Collector for ArcGIS are lost , upload the data before making the changes to the schema of the feature service.
Article ID: 000014011
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