Convert a point feature class to a polygon feature class

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to convert a point feature class to a polygon feature class.


There are several methods that can be used to accomplish this:

If the points represent polygon boundaries
Use the Points To Line tool with the 'Close Line' option checked to ensure every output line feature's end point matches up with its start point, followed by the Feature To Polygon tool to connect the points to create a polygon.

  1. In ArcMap, click the Geoprocessing tab or open the ArcToolbox window, and navigate to Data Management Tools > Features.
  2. Double-click the Points To Line tool.
[O-Image] Points To Line tool menu
  1. Specify the desired point feature class under Input Features.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Double-click the Feature To Polygon tool.
The Feature To Polygon tool is available only for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced.
  1. Specify the newly formed lines under Input Features to convert it into a polygon, and click OK.

If the points are in a cluster area
Use the Aggregate Points tool to create a polygon representing the cluster area.

The Aggregate Points tool is available only for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced.
  1. In ArcMap, click the Geoprocessing tab or open the ArcToolbox window, and navigate to Cartography Tools > Generalization.
[O-Image] Aggregate Points menu
  1. Double-click the Aggregate Points tool to convert the points to polygons, and click OK.

Article ID:000012380

  • ArcMap

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