Instructions provided describe how to create and format projection files for coverages to be defined or re-projected using ArcToolbox tools.
The Define Projection and Project Tools for coverages are in the following locations:
ArcGIS Desktop 9.x
ArcToolBox > Coverage Tools > Projections
ArcGIS Desktop 10.0
ArcToolBox > Coverage Tools > Data Management > Projections
A projection file must be created in Notepad, in the format required by the ArcInfo Workstation PROJECTDEFINE or PROJECT commands.
Warning: The PROJECT command must be followed by BUILD for all feature classes in the coverage in order to restore coverage topology.
Two different file formats are required. One enables the coverage projection to be defined while the other allows the coverage to be projected to another coordinate system.
Both files must be created using Notepad.
Note: WordPad cannot be used. WordPad adds invisible formatting characters to the file, which the commands PROJECTDEFINE and PROJECT cannot read. The process fails.
For further information, refer to the ArcInfo Workstation Help in the ArcDoc. Go to the Index tab, type in the name of the input or output projection required, and Display the results. The Help page displays the required projection parameters.
Note: To open the ArcInfo Workstation Help at version 9.x, go to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcInfo Workstation > ArcDOC. At version 10.x, go to Start > Programs > ArcInfo Workstation > ArcDOC. Alternatively, type the word 'help', without quotes, at the ArcInfo command prompt.
Note: If the ArcInfo Workstation Help (ArcDOC) does not open on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, refer to the link in the Related Information section below to Microsoft Support Article ID: 917607 for a solution.
Article ID: 000007002
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