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Patches and updates

Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 Distributed Collaboration Data Size Patch

Published: May 3, 2018


This patch resolves an issue that affects the ability to share data as copies when using distributed collaboration to replicate data between ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online. Additionally, this patch resolves several other issues that affect Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1.


EsriĀ® announces the Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 Distributed Collaboration Data Size Patch. If you are copying data between ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise using distributed collaboration, it is recommended to install this patch. The patch resolves a limitation that prevented datasets larger than 50 MB from copying between ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. With this patch, datasets up to 1 GB can be copied via collaboration workspaces created after the patch was installed. Additionally, this patch resolves several other issues that affect Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1. It deals specifically with the issues listed below under Issues Addressed with this patch.


Issues Addressed with this patch


  • BUG-000113682 - Collaboration workspace settings for controlling the maximum feature size for copying to ArcGIS Online are not properly synchronized to ArcGIS Enterprise guests.
  • BUG-000113157 - Portal for ArcGIS Import Site fails if the backup contains Thumbs.db files.
  • BUG-000112088 - The Show Table operation in the Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 web map does not return the attribute of the image service.
  • BUG-000111942 - Symbology is not retained on a shared feature layer when a filter is applied and the layer is accessed by another user to create their own web map.
  • BUG-000109870 - In the map viewer, vector tiles do not respect visible scale settings when zooming out and polygons are distributed in non-adjacent areas.
  • BUG-000105202 - When accessing a secured service in Portal with saved credentials, the proxied generate token request does not honor the nonProxyHosts parameter.
  • BUG-000103846 - Portal for ArcGIS has a hard-coded credential vulnerability.

To avoid conflicts this patch also addresses:

  • BUG-000111090 - Select widget loses selection when using Create Layer functionality on a layer added via the Add Data widget in Web AppBuilder in Portal for ArcGIS.
  • BUG-000111077 - Execution Error: Illegal Value Assignment to Feature When Editing Labels in a Portal Web Map with Layer Visibility turned off.
  • BUG-000111058 - Arcade Editor makes calls to "" domain, causing significant delays in disconnected networks.
  • BUG-000110632 - GeoEvent based map and feature services that are related should not become combined together when both are added to the Map Viewer table of contents.
  • BUG-000110291 - Portal for ArcGIS should not parse entity tags.
  • BUG-000110290 - Remove invalid record entries from the Portal for ArcGIS internal database.
  • BUG-000109517 - In the 10.5.1 Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer, the Create Labels panel does not function for map services published from map document with "Allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for map service publishing" setting specified.
  • BUG-000108753 - Portal for ArcGIS configured with portal-tier authentication and automatic account creation enabled will create accounts that exceed the number of licenses available.
  • BUG-000108155 - Endless generateToken requests are triggered in map viewer when token expires for a Portal configured with Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) and federated with ArcGIS Server.
  • BUG-000107814 - Create Labels does not work in Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 for ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 Map Services.
  • BUG-000107440 - Portal for ArcGIS disallows access to portaladmin when the actual machine name is not listed in the certificate.
  • BUG-000107004 - An error message is returned when running the Extract Data Task geoprocessing service in the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS for Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 in Internet Explorer.
  • BUG-000106917 - Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 Map Viewer does not load the Bing Roads Base Map when HTTPS only is enabled due to certificate mismatch errors on the requested tiles.
  • BUG-000106909 - Filtering a map service does not filter the attribute table in the web map.
  • BUG-000106303 - Portal for ArcGIS does not fully honor the 'domainControllerAddress' setting in the security configuration.
  • BUG-000106874 - Attachments are not preserved in the popup in web maps when using search by layer functionality.
  • BUG-000104949 - Basemaps in the WGS84 coordinate system do not draw in the Item Details Set Extent dialog box.


Installing this patch on Windows


Installation Steps:


Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1   Checksum (Md5)
      ArcGIS-1051-PFA-DCDS-Patch.msp 28ED57F53FC3D6C30E28CE0EA30EB59A

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location.
  3. Double-click ArcGIS-1051-PFA-DCDS-Patch.msp to start the setup process.

    NOTE: If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the setup installation, you can start the setup installation manually by using the following command:

    msiexec.exe /p [location of Patch]\ArcGIS-1051-PFA-DCDS-Patch.msp


Installing this patch on Linux


Installation Steps:


Complete the following install steps as the ArcGIS Install owner. The Install owner is the owner of the arcgis folder.

Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1   Checksum (Md5)
      ArcGIS-1051-PFA-DCDS-Patch-linux.tar 48EA7980164A2CA8F1AA8ACA24429A1F

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.
  3. Extract the specified tar file by typing:

    % tar -xvf ArcGIS-1051-PFA-DCDS-Patch-linux.tar
  4. Start the installation by typing:

    % ./applypatch

    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.

Uninstalling this patch on Windows


  • To uninstall this patch on Windows, open the Windows Control Panel and navigate to installed programs. Make sure that "View installed updates" (upper left side of the Programs and Features dialog) is active. Select the patch name from the programs list and click Uninstall to remove the patch.


Uninstalling this patch on Linux


  • To remove this patch, navigate to the /tmp directory and run the following script as the ArcGIS Install owner:


    Notes: You can only remove the patch that was installed most recently.


Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.


How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Download ID:7607

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