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ArcGIS Server 10.5 GeoAnalytics and GeoEvent Server Patch

Published: February 6, 2017


This patch includes key bug fixes and performance improvements for GeoAnalytics Server and GeoEvent Server.


Esri® announces the ArcGIS Server 10.5 GeoAnalytics and GeoEvent Server Patch. This patch includes key bug fixes in GeoAnalytics Server in regards to maximum record limit, performance improvements for GeoAnalytics Server and GeoEvent Server transactions with the spatiotemporal big data store, and improvements for hosted feature layers that serve large data from spatiotemporal big data store. This patch deals specifically with the issues listed below under Issues Addressed with this patch.

Note: If you are using the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, also install the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.5 Patch 1.

Note: This patch should not be installed on the same machine where Insights for ArcGIS version 1.0 or 1.1 is installed. If you have already applied this patch and are experiencing issues with Insights for ArcGIS, uninstall the patch to correct the problem. This issue is resolved in the Insights for ArcGIS version 1.2 release.


Issues Addressed with this patch

  • BUG-000102633 - Querying with an output spatial reference parameter to aggregate features using a geohash grid returns empty geometries.
  • BUG-000102602 - Multiple ArcGIS GeoEvent Servers writing features to the spatiotemporal big data store at high rates might result in some features being dropped.
  • BUG-000102601 - Unable to add a spatiotemporal big data store based Map Service layer to a Portal or ArcGIS Online Map Viewer.
  • BUG-000102443 - Hosted feature layers created by GeoAnalytics tools will no longer be created with a maximum record limit of 10,000.
  • BUG-000102441 - Hosted feature services with data hosted in a spatiotemporal big data store should return all IDs when a client requests IDs rather than returning only 10,000.
  • BUG-000102440 – "Database error" message is returned when paging queries the last page of a hosted feature service with data hosted in a spatiotemporal big data store.
  • BUG-000102438 - For hosted feature services with data in spatiotemporal big data stores, query allows paging only up to 10,000 records.
  • BUG-000102437 - The Find Similar GeoAnalytics tool does not work with big data file shares as input.
  • BUG-000102436 - Join features tool fails on a multi-machine GeoAnalytics Server site when performing a join that uses temporal constraints.

To avoid conflicts this patch also includes:
  • BUG-000101256 - ArcGIS Enterprise analysis functions do not work if the hosting server's configuration store is stored in cloud storage.

Installing this patch on Windows


Installation Steps:


ArcGIS Server 10.5 must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    ArcGIS Server 10.5  Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS Server ArcGIS-105-S-GGS-Patch.mspBB0AB0707CBA389FF9EC96AEBFA942DB

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location.
  3. Double-click ArcGIS-105-S-GGS-Patch.msp to start the setup process.

    NOTE: If double clicking on the ArcGIS-105-S-GGS-Patch.msp file does not start the setup installation, you can start the setup installation manually by using the following command:

    msiexec.exe /p [location of Patch]\ArcGIS-105-S-GGS-Patch.msp


Installing this patch on Linux


Installation Steps:


Complete the following install steps as the ArcGIS Install owner. The Install owner is the owner of the arcgis folder.

ArcGIS Server 10.5 must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    ArcGIS Server 10.5 Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS Server ArcGIS-105-S-GGS-Patch-linux.tar38F5D8FB71643E20CE1447B18B82575C

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.
  3. Extract the specified tar file by typing:

    % tar -xvf ArcGIS-105-S-GGS-Patch-linux.tar

  4. Start the installation by typing:

    % ./applypatch

    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.

Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

March 30, 2017: Text update only. Updated issues BUG-000102602 and BUG-000102601 text for clarity.

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Download ID:7476

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