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Patches and updates

ArcGIS 10.5.1 (Desktop, Engine, Server) Spatial Analyst Int and Abs tools Patch

Published: October 31, 2017


Esri recommends that you install this patch to fix a Spatial Analyst Int and Spatial Analyst Abs tool issue that results in an incorrect output raster when used in the Raster Calculator or Python.


Esri® announces the ArcGIS 10.5.1 (Desktop, Engine, Server) Spatial Analyst Int and Abs tools Patch. This patch addresses a tool output issue for the Spatial Analyst Int and Spatial Analyst Abs tools when they are used in the Raster Calculator or Python to form a complex expression and the output is saved as a file system raster. The output raster has the NoData value represented as 0 which is incorrect. It deals specifically with the issue listed below under Issues Addressed with this patch.


Issues Addressed with this patch

  • BUG-000109072 - Using the Spatial Analyst Int tool in Raster Calculator creates an output raster where NoData becomes 0.


Installing this patch on Windows


Installation Steps:

ArcGIS Desktop, Engine or Server 10.5.1 must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    ArcGIS 10.5.1   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS Desktop
    Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1051-BGDT-SAIAT-Patch.msp 7DA28DC774DF72081862DD83898BF558
    ArcGIS Engine
    Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1051-BGE-SAIAT-Patch.msp DDA41BC00BFBB31F608563F608709C9C
    ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS-1051-DT-SAIAT-Patch.msp 87ADFBFDC897EFB66357E2A26F609F11
    ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1051-E-SAIAT-Patch.msp 6F23F6889CD119C433FB32130A91D5D8
    ArcGIS Server ArcGIS-1051-S-SAIAT-Patch.msp AC4519C05DDE737453728EA24DA3F867
  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location.
  3. Double-click ArcGIS-1051-<Product>-SAIAT-Patch.msp to start the setup process.
    NOTE: If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the setup installation, you can start the setup installation manually by using the following command:
    msiexec.exe /p [location of Patch]\ArcGIS-1051-<Product>-SAIAT-Patch.msp


Installing this patch on Linux


Installation Steps:

Complete the following install steps as the ArcGIS Install owner. The Install owner is the owner of the arcgis folder.

ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.
    ArcGIS 10.5.1   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS Server ArcGIS-1051-S-SAIAT-Patch-linux.tar 7D1BAE2FE486875B173A2106E75A6223

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.
  3. Extract the specified tar file by typing:
    % tar -xvf ArcGIS-1051-S-SAIAT-Patch-linux.tar

  4. Start the installation by typing:
    % ./applypatch

    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.

Uninstalling this patch on Windows


  • To uninstall this patch on Windows, open the Windows Control Panel and navigate to installed programs. Make sure that "View installed updates" (upper left side of the Programs and Features dialog) is active. Select the patch name from the programs list and click Uninstall to remove the patch.


Uninstalling this patch on Linux

  • To remove this patch, navigate to the /tmp directory and run the following script as the ArcGIS Install owner:

    Notes: You can only remove the patch that was installed most recently.


Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Download ID:7551

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