Patches and updates

ArcWeb Services SOAP 2006.1 API

Published: November 22, 2006


This is an explanation of the improvements and known issues for the ArcWeb Services SOAP 2006.1 API. Note: This is a complete list of fixes since SOAP 2006 released. There are no downloads or necessary updates on your part; these changes are already on the ESRI servers.


To migrate your existing 2006 SOAP applications, update your WSDL locations by changing v2006 to v2006_1 and .wsdl to ?wsdl. For more details, see ArcWeb Help at

All Web services have a new internal architecture. There are no changes to the object model.

Performance is enhanced for routing, drive time polygons, and spatial queries with custom data sources.

Custom data sources based on ArcWeb:TA.Streets.US and ArcWeb:TA.Streets.NA now look more like the original data sources.

Renewing an ESRI Developer Network (EDN) account now automatically renews the ArcWeb Services account as well.

Authentication Web Service has more secure error messages.

Data Manager Web Service uploads user points faster, especially for accounts that already have a large number of uploaded points.

Map Image Web Service
  • Turning layers on and off now supports SVG and SWF image formats.
  • The cartography and error messages are improved for the CustomWeather data sources.
  • The getBestMapArea method bufferPercent parameter is enhanced.
  • The legend and POI points are no longer transparent for the ArcWeb:GlobeXplorer.DOQQ.US data source.
  • Center point now remains fixed while zooming in using GlobeXplorer or Pixxures data sources.
  • Map requests with the Meteorlogix data sources now return the proper extent.
  • The ArcWeb:GlobeXplorer.Standard.World data source now displays a more descriptive error message when zoomed in too close in certain regions.
  • Using projection strings for GlobeXplorer data sources now returns "no data" images (instead of throwing a 1002 error).
  • Using projection IDs for the Pixxures data source (ArcWeb:Pixxures.DOQQ.US) now returns error message "3093: Unable to generate remote map" (instead of throwing an internal error).
  • Class breaks for equal interval and quantile classification in the ThematicOptions and ThematicReportOptions objects’ classificationMethod parameter are improved.
  • Thematic data sources return symbol URLs.
  • The getGeographyIDs method is improved.
Report Web Service
  • The maximum for the Site object ringsRadii parameter is increased from 25 miles (41 km) to 200 miles (322 km).
  • The Market Profile site report is improved.
  • Calculations are improved for the Site object calcType:hollow value.
  • The ReportInfo and ReportOptions objects’ reportFormat parameter now consistently checks for valid values.
Spatial Query Web Service
  • The findFeaturesByPoint method now returns records sorted by distance.
  • The buffer functionality is improved.
  • Support is improved for projected layers.
  • Distances are improved for multi-point features.

Known issues:

Authentication Web Service

The same error message is returned for invalid usernames and invalid passwords. This helps protect your login information.

Content Finder Web Service

No features are returned for invalid service names, invalid layer names, or invalid data file names.

Data Manager Web Service

Multiple feature uploads perform better than individual feature uploads.

Projection strings are not currently supported for creating data files.

Map Image Web Service

SVG and SWF image formats are not supported in the following data sources or object parameters:
  • In the User.Defined.Icons data source
  • In LineDesc object, for the parameters: endType, lineType and jointType
  • In PolygonDesc object, for the parameters: boundaryTransparency, boundaryType, boundaryJointType, fillInterval and fillType
  • In LabelDesc object, for the parameters blockoutColor, font, fontStyle, glowing, outlineColor and transparency
The GlobeXplorer data sources only support projection ID. Projection strings return "no data" images.

The Pixxures data source (ArcWeb:Pixxures.DOQQ.US) only supports projection string. Projection IDs return the error message "3093: Unable to generate remote map".

Report Web Service

The following functionality is not yet available with 2006.1:
  • In the getSiteReports method, combineReports (multiple reports are returned separately)
  • In the getGeographyIDs method, geographyLevelFilter
  • In the ReportOptions object, Excel format for the reportFormat parameter
  • In the ReportOptions object, StandardGeographyValues1, StandardGeographyValues2, and StandardGeographyValues3 for the reportHeader parameter
Route Finder Web Service

The RouteFinderOptions object avoidTraffic parameter only utilizes traffic incidents that are located precisely on your route geometry. Incidents near the route are ignored.

Spatial Query Web Service

The findFeaturesByGeometry method does not return an error message for non-closed polygons.

Glue toolkit

Separate WSDL's are available for Glue users. This is due to webMethod's diminished support for its Glue toolkit.

ArcWeb Help

The Table of Contents is not always synchronized with the current page view.

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