Patches and updates

ArcSDE 9.1 Repair Utility Update

Published: June 4, 2007


This new version of the Repair Utility will now report the table that is causing the error, detect and repair invalid deletes table entries, and report any lock conflicts. Please download this version of the utility if you need to repair selected tables or versions or have experienced performance issues with running the previous version.


Important information for identifying and repairing issues that the following bug may cause. It can potentially affect all supported ArcSDE 9.1 Databases. ArcSDE 8.x databases are not impacted by this issue:

CQ00279152 - Range query scanning states needs to use ORDER BY.
CQ00302314 - sdegdbrepair utility: Missing D Table entry is not detected and fixed.

Problem summary
When working with Geodatabases in ArcSDE, users periodically compress the geodatabase. Part of the compress operation performs what's called a "trim" which updates and deletes rows from the delta tables (the A and D tables).

The problem may occur when the process of selecting what to update or delete does not return selected results from the delta tables in the expected order.

Please note that not all data is affected. If affected, there will only be a few states with this problem. Please also note this problem does not occur on 8.x geodatabases because the trim operation in that version of ArcSDE used a different selection method.

What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of the problem may include one or more of the following:

  • Orphaned rows in the delta tables
  • Edits being lost on reconcile
  • Duplicate rows preventing compress.

Fixing the problem
Installing ArcSDE 9.1 Service Pack 2 will fix the software and will prevent the possibility of issues associated with this bug from occurring in your database. It does not fix any data issues that were caused by this bug prior to installing the Service Pack. Data issues can be identified and repaired using a REPAIR utility which should also be installed and applied.

All users of versioned ArcSDE 9.1 geodatabases should install the Service Pack, regardless of whether their database is affected or not. Not all databases are impacted by this issue. However, those that are will need to be repaired.

Determining if a database is affected
This REPAIR Utility is available to check for errors.

To determine if there are potential errors in your database:
See sdegdbrepairUserGuide.pdf that comes with the download of the utility.


Installation Steps

ArcSDE 9.1 Service Pack 2 must be installed before you can install this utility. It is strongly recommended that you back up your database including all previous ArcSDE system tables and user layer data before running this utility.

UNIX & Linux

  1. Download the appropriate tar file to a location other than $SDEHOME:
    Oracle 8i  
    (coming soon) 6 MB
    Oracle 9i  


    9 MB
    Oracle 10g  


    9 MB

  2. Uncompress and extract the specified tar file. Ensure that the last letter of the file name is a capital Z. Otherwise, the uncompress command will not work:

    % uncompress <Database>sde91gdbrepair.tar.Z

    % tar -xvf <Database>sde91gdbrepair.tar

  3. Follow the instructions in the User Guide for installing and using the utility. The utility is called sdegdbrepair<dbms> where <dbms> is your database. For example, "sdegdbrepairora9i" is for an Oracle 9i database. You must back up your database in full including all ArcSDE system tables and user data before running the utility.


  1. Download the appropriate zip files to a location other than the ArcSDE installation folder:
    Oracle 8i  
    (coming soon) 1 MB
    Oracle 9i

    1 MB
    Oracle 10g

    1 MB
    SQL Server

    1 MB

  2. Use WinZip to extract the selected Zip file.
  3. Follow the instructions in the User Guide for installing and using the utility. The utility is called sdegdbrepair<dbms> where <dbms> is your database. For example, "sdegdbrepairora9i" is for an Oracle 9i database. You must back up your database in full including all ArcSDE system tables and user data before running the utility.


Check the Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional Patches or Service Packs. New information about this utility will be posted here.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing or running this utility. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.

Download ID:1300

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