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ArcGIS Survey Analyst/Cadastral Editor
The ArcGIS Survey Analyst - Cadastral Editor uses a least-squares procedure with parcel dimensions treated as observations to derive positions for every point in the boundary network . This paper exposes the background, theory, and application of the least-squares method to ArcGIS Survey Analyst/Cadastral Editor.
The ArcGIS Survey Analyst/Cadastral Editor adjustment process is uniquely designed to test the integrity of a cadastral boundary network and to derive the most likely position for every point in the network. Part of that process uses a least-squares procedure with parcel dimensions treated as observations in a similar way to the adjustment of geodetic networks.This paper attempts to explain the least-squares adjustment process used by Cadastral Editor in mathematical detail. Equations used in computing the adjustment are givenwithout derivation; however, references to the standard literature are provided. The primary purpose is to expose the background, theory, and application of the least-squaresmethod to ArcGIS Survey Analyst/Cadastral Editor.
Supporting Files
- ArcGIS Survey Analyst/Cadastral Editor - PDF - 457 kb
Download ID:1264
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