Frequently asked question

Why can M and Z values for multipart features not be modifed within a geometric network?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Once multipart features participate in a geometric network, their geometries can only be modified to create valid network features. Since M and Z values are vertex attributes of geometry, they cannot be modified.

To modify M or Z values, one of the following two solutions must be used:

1. Drop the network, modify the M or Z values and rebuild the network.

2. Create a valid network feature.

To create a valid network feature from the multipart feature in versions of ArcGIS 8.3 and earlier, see Geodatabases > Editing your geodatabase > Repairing network topology in the ArcGIS Desktop Help.

To create a valid network feature from the multipart feature in versions of ArcGIS 9.0 and later, see Editing in ArcMap > Editing geometric networks> Repairing network connectivity in the ArcGIS Desktop Help.

Article ID: 000003273

  • ArcMap

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